// 047 [old version]

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I felt a smirk forming on my face the longer San and Hongjoong stood there with shocked expressions, looking at each other for support but not one of them taking the front to admit what I already knew. I got to the back of the church just in time to hear my name rolling out of Hongjoong's mouth.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" I laughed, raising an eyebrow and reaching my left arm through them to get some chips from the table, my face coming close to San's in the process, his characteristic wood scent intoxicating me.

I could see him holding his breath as his gaze fell on my lips and swiftly dropped lower, to where his love bites were proudly exposed all over my neck and collarbone area, the white tank top and black zipper sweatshirt I was wearing doing a poor job of hiding them. But then again, I never had that intention anyway. Those were the battle scars of a night I wished to remember, no matter the outcome.

San blinked a couple of times, stepping backwards abruptly, seemingly waking up from his trance. "You... what are you doing here?"

"The same thing as you." I snickered, keeping a confident composure despite being hit with his obvious rejection to my presence.

"Ah, right." He nodded, looking away.

I took a step back as I shoved the potate chips in my mouth, respecting his distance at the same time I challenged an outspoken request for me to leave, otherwise I couldn't really be sure of what was going on through his head.

Hongjoong looked too afraid of me to say anything, which I found comically endearing since I had never done or said anything to him before. I stood there, but the silence installed in between the three of us was becoming too awkward and uncomfortable to bear.

"So what were you talking about?" I blurted out, trying to end my pain.

"Uhm, Do-"

"Nothing." San cut Hongjoong off, giving him a stern look.

"Cool." I answered ironically, a little salty
I was left out of the conversation I was mentioned in to begin with.

Great topic you chose, Wooyoung.

What now? There were things I wanted to ask San, but not with Hongjoong around. I whistled an unknown tune as soon as the silence became present once again, looking around the yard area without any particular interest and hoping this time one of them would say anything to free us from the tension that felt almost suffocating. Unfortunately, the words I was so deeply asking for, were anything but the ones I ended up hearing.

"Hongjoong, excuse us a second." San voiced hurriedly as he forcefully grabbed my arm and dragged me away from his friend.

"Hey, hey!" I wriggled myself out of his tight grip. "What the hell, San?"

"Funny you say that!" He snickered, his voice full of anger. "That's exactly what I was gonna ask you. What the fuck do you think you're doing, Wooyoung?"

I froze in my spot, dumbfounded by his unannounced anger towards me. I looked at him, just to find San already staring at me with burning eyes, my mouth opened and closed a few times, as I was trying to find the right thing to say, but not knowing if I wanted to ask what was wrong or flat out tell him to go fuck himself and walk away without having to deal with whatever this was.

"Hongjoong is gonna notice!" He poked my chest in exasperation and that's when it clicked me.

The sound of my laughter started leaving my body before I could hold it in, my hands flying to my mouth as if it could refrain my now hysterical fit, my eyes formed tears and my belly hurt. San only glared at me with folded arms and an agitated posture, not looking very pleased with my reaction.

My girlfriend's brother | woosan [rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now