Virgil basicly almost gets fucking kidnapped

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It was about a week later since Virgil had come home in tears, he had work tomorrow, and had gotten his pay check yesterday. Now, he was just running an errand to get his meds. He was walking along the side walk, watching out for ice and such. He hummed a small tune. He liked November as it was one of the calmer times. Virgil slipped slightly, stumbling to catch himself. He laughed at the fact he almost fell, and fixed his scarf. He hummed once agin, walking into the store.

When he came out with the small paper bag holding his anxiety medication, a hand clamped onto his arm. In a panic, Virgil tries to twist out of the grasp.

"Hello, love" a sly voice said. Tears built up in Virgil's eyes. He turned, still trying to free himself from his grasp. "Oh come now sweetie" Virgil hoped someone would walk by, but he had went to the one place where almost no one was because of his anxiety.

"L-Leave me alone Andrew" Virgil whispered. "Get the hell, away from me" he mumbled, ripping his arm from Andrews grasp. As soon as Virgil did, he paused, not realizing. Because of it, he was in the others grasp once more.

"Oh baby, did you forget your rules?" Andrew laughed. "Once we get home, we'll need to wash your mouth out with soap. Or maybe I can give you something to use that dirty mouth of yours for" Andrew said with a grin. Virgil trembled, knowing what Andrew meant on the second part. Virgil struggles weakly against the older, and frankly stronger individual.

"No!" Virgil yelled as Andrew started to drag him towards an alley. "Fuck off you bastard!" Virgil yelled. The reason for him swearing so much so suddenly was for him to stay big, as he was scared and overwhelmed, two big things that made him little in basically every situation. Virgil didn't really have a control over his little space, which was normally fine. But now it was just a further danger to himself.

"Shut up you little shit and maybe I won't punish you" Andrew growled. Virgil planted his feet, halting the two.

"Leave me alone!" Virgil yelled, he hoped someone would hear him and come help. Virgil looked around, pulling at his arm where Andrew had him. Andrew pulled hard enough to break Virgil from his spot. "Fuck-" Virgil whispered.

"Your in for it Virgil" Andrew growled, pushing Virgil into an alley.

"Hey!" A voice called. Virgil prayed someone was there to help.

"Get off me!" Virgil yelled again as Andrew started to move in a way that would pin Virgil, tears were steadily streaming down his face, blurring his vision so he could barely see. He still struggled against the hands. He felt a weight fall from him, and he moved back quickly, hyperventilating. He heard some talking and shouting, then he felt someone touch him. He yelled in fear, shaking it away.

"Go 'way!" He cried out.

"Shhh, it's okay, shhh" The voice said, trying to calm Virgil. "Remus, is that-" the person paused. "Person, gone?"

"Yeah" the other agreed. Virgil pushed away when someone touched him again.

"Okay, no touching, it's okay bud, it's alright" The first voice comforted. Virgil curled up tightly. "Okay- Remus, call Roman and tell them that we'll be late, tell Patton I'm sorry too"

"P-Pat Pat?" Virgil asked, looking around as if he would find Patton. The first voice looked over quickly.

"You know Patton?" They asked. Virgil nodded quickly, a sob breaking through his lips.

"I wan Pat Pat" Virgil cried.

"Remus! Tell Patton to come over to us"

"Okay okay! Hey Patton, can you come over to the Walgreens on Baker Street?"

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