My parents would question the things ive looked up at this point

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Virgil sighed as he walked out of his temporary room, following behind Patton slowly. They stopped in the dining room.

"So, I have something to tell you two," Patton said looking back at Virgil. You could see the sudden disappointment that filled Romans eyes. Virgil wondered why that was. "Virgil here, is a little" after that simple sentence, Romans eyes filled with hope once more. Logan simply nodded.

"I assumed as much. Which would be the reason I said you'll be aloud in my room any time you need, saying I'm in there that is" Logan explained. "I actually was just researching how to help and be a caregiver to a little recently"

"I myself was a caregiver to a friend awhile back! I'm completely fine with it if you were worried" Roman explained. Patton smiled.

"See kid- Virgil! Nothing bad" Patton said, fixing his almost mistake. "You wanna make your rules and things? We can even start to order you some stuff!"

"Good save there Pat, but, you guys shouldn't have to pay for my things, as soon as I get my paycheck, I can get my own things" Virgil explained.

"And when will that be?" Logan inquired.

"Two weeks from yesterday" Virgil mumbled.

"Meaning, if you really want to pay for it all, let us pay now, then pay us back if that would settle your mind" Logan said with a smirk. Patton giggles, knowing what Logan had planned. Virgil simply sighed.

"Fine" He huffed. Logan smiled.

"To welcome Virgil, we should have a movie marathon!" Roman announced loudly, disregarding the fact they need to make rules. Patton clapped excited, agreeing quickly.

"If we can watch at least one documentary" Logan added. Patton and Roman groaned, making Virgil laugh. Logan had stopped where he had been glaring at the other two, looking at Virgil with a small blush. His laugh was amazing Logan thought.

"I think we should watch a documentary too" Virgil added quietly.

And so, the four people, ended up watching a documentary on the missing people in a certain national park. Virgil and Logan sat next to each other, intently watching the documentary. Then after, they watched some Disney much to Virgil's dismay. The three movies they watched he had been trying not to slip. But during Lion King, he eventually did. Virgil leaned on Logan, sucking his thumb. Logan looked down, smiling lightly.

"You shouldn't suck on your thumb Virgil, it can make you sick" Logan explained in a soft voice so the other two could watch the movie still.

"Ickys?" Virgil asked lightly. Logan nodded. Virgil looked at his thumb, frowning. He put his hands in his lap, looking at Logan for praise. Logan smiled.

"What's your favorite color?" Logan asked pulling out his phone. Virgil looked at the phone, still amazed by it.

"Purp!" Virgil giggled quietly. Logan smiled again. Typing something into his search bar. He then showed a picture of a pacifier to Virgil.

"You like that one?" Logan asked. Virgil nodded. Logan then ordered it, finding it should arrive the next day.

"Tank ou!" Virgil said. Logan nodded. Virgil cuddled up to Logan a little more, happy that Logan's arm fell around his shoulders. He focused on the movie. Smiling when he saw big Simba and Rafiki talking

A few movies past and the time was 8:30.

"We should probably start Virgil's rule list" Logan said as soon as the last movie had ended.

"Rules?" Virgil questioned. "Ike what!" He asked sitting up. Logan smiled.

"We can talk about it at the table, okay?" Logan said standing. It was more or less saying it were to happen, but making the little feel as though he had a choice.

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