Logan being dumb and made Virgil think sucking on anything makes him sick?

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If you dont understand what something says, just comment and Ill say what it says. Also know all these titles were the temporary ones but I like them too much soooo

"You can suck on this kiddo!" Patton explained, trying to get Virgil to suck on his pacifier. He shook his head quickly.

"It gives ickys!" Virgil complained.

"No, your thumb gives ickys, this is clean, no ickys!" Patton said. This had been a back and forth ever sense Logan left for work, as that's when the pacifier had arrived. Logan had left two hours ago. Patton sighed. "Fine," he huffed, he rubbed his eyes. "Are you hungry kiddo?" Virgil nodded lightly, now upset he had gotten Patton mad.

"M sorrys" Virgil mumbled. Patton looked over, putting the pacifier on the counter.

"It's okay kiddo, I'm just confused of why you don't want it" He said grabbing a pan to make grilled cheese. Virgil stayed in the corner of the room.

"It give me ickys, LoLo say it" Patton looked over in confusion.

"He said the paci will give you ickys?" Virgil didn't answer, just shrugged. Patton sighed lightly again.

"I'm back!" Roman called as he opened the door. He held a simple bag, as he had went and grabbed some things for dinner. He saw the pacifier on the counter. "You still don't want it Verge?" He asked kindly as he put the bag down and crouched by the other.

"Gives ickys" Virgil mumbled. Roman looked to Patton for help and clarification.  Patton shook his head.

"No it doesn't Verge, it makes it so you don't have to suck on your thumb. Your thumb gives you the ickys" He explained. Virgil shook his head.

"LoLo say it give ickys" Virgil said. He pushed into the corner more. Romans sighed, similar to how Patton had not long ago. Virgil shook, going into the corner further. Tears filled his eyes, as soft, quiet sobs filled the air. Roman looked over quickly.

"Hey, what's wrong Stormy?" Roman asked gently, oblivious that he was the problem. Virgil shook his head, sobbing still.

"Wan Lolo" Virgil cried. At this point, Patton had finished the grilled cheese, and had set it on the counter.

"He's coming home soon kiddo" Patton tried. Virgil shook his head.

"Wan Lolo!" He cried. Patton sighed, going over to Virgil.

"It's okay Kiddo. He'll be home soon" Patton looked to Roman, silently asking him to text Logan. Roman nodded. Patton went and grabbed Virgil's food. "You want your grilled cheese?" Patton asked, pushing the plate to Virgil. Virgil looked at the food, still sobbing. He lightly nodded. Patton smiled, wiping his tears away. "You won't be forced to use the pacifier okay? We just wanna make sure your happy. If that isn't making you happy, then we'll stop pushing for it ok?" Patton said, gently giving a slice to Virgil. Virgil nodded, taking a small bite from the sandwich.

"'Ank 'ou" Virgil mumbled, taking another bite. Patton smiled, going over to Roman who sat on the couch.

"Logans coming home right now, he had a early shift today anyways" Roman told Patton. Patton nodded with a frown, dropping his voice to a whisper.

"I dont understand what Logan said" Patton said, looking at Virgil who still had tears in his eyes but was happily eating.

"I don't either, Logans normally good when it comes to phrasing things" Roman said, matching Pattons speaking volume.

A few minutes passed, and Logan came through the door.

"LoLo?" Virgil questioned from his spot. Logan looked over with a soft smile.

"Hi Virgil, do you not like the pacifier?" He asked when he saw the item on the counter.

"It give ickys" Virgil pouted. Logan raised a brow.

"Who said that?" He inquired. Virgil pointed at Logan. "I believe you misunderstood me. I told you your thumb, makes you sick." Logan said, grabbing the pacifier, he walked to the sink, turning the warm water on and washing it. "This however, will not, it's completely safe." Logan said, bringing it over to the young boy. "Hello you two" Logan said once he noticed the others. Logan handed the item to Virgil, who timidly took it.

"No ickys?" Virgil asked lightly. Logan smiled, crouching down.

"No ickys" He confirmed. Virgil put it in his mouth, already starting to suck. He smiled a little, looking to Logan. He raised his arms, making grabby hands.

"Ug!" Virgil said from behind the paci. Logan complied, giving him a hug before picking him up.

"You need to start listening to Patton and Roman. I cant come home every time you wont listen" Logan explained. Virgil nodded.

"I's 'idn't 'ant ou mad dat I 'idnt 'ollw wat ou say" Logan looked over in confusion.

"I cant understand that Virgil." Virgil huffed, taking the paci out of his mouth.

"I idnt wan' ou mad dat I dint do what ou say" Virgil explained.

"You didn't want me upset that you didn't do what I said?" Logan repeated. He had only now realized that Patton and Roman left. Virgil nodded, putting the paci back in his mouth. "Were you scared I would be upset if you used the paci?" Virgil nodded, looking down. Logan sighed lightly.

"I sorrys" Virgil said.

"Why are you sorry? You've done nothing wrong" Logan explained. Virgil just nodded. Logan rubbed his eyes. "Are you tired?" Logan asked. Virgil shrugged. Logan looked at him strangely. "Do you not want to talk now?"" Logan asked softly. Virgil just shrugged again. "Alright, nap time" Logan declared. He walked the hall, opening Virgils room door. He set Virgil on the bed, noticing that the room still smelt of lemons from when Logan had sanitized it all. He tucked Virgil in, same as he had last time. He noticed Virgil just ever so lightly cuddled up to his blanket. "Ill be back in a second Virgil" Logan said. He walked to his room, opening his closet. He pulled out a soft plushie he had gotten awhile back. It was a small galaxy winged bat. He smiled at the sight of it. He had saw it on a shelf back in his younger years and bought it. He walked back to Virgils room, crouching down to show Virgil the plushie. Virgil smiled widely, taking the bat gently.

"Ank ou" Virgil mumbled. Logan nodded with a smile.

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