Virgil gets in trouble idk

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"Virgil?" Logan called from the living room. Virgil had been staying in his room, thinking about everything that had happened at the bar just that day. He thankfully had a day shift so it wasn't as bad, but that Andrew fellow had shown up again, making him panic slightly.

"Yeah?" Virgil called back. Getting up to see what Logan needed.

"Are you- oh" Logan said as Virgil came into the living room. "Are you hungry? Patton is getting off work soon, and me and Roman we're going to get lunch with Patton" Logan explained. "Would you like to come along?" Logan asked. Virgil hummed, waving hello to Roman when he entered the living room. Virgil didn't really want to, as, he was wearing a baggy sweater and some sweatpants, meaning he would have to change. But he also wanted to spend time with everyone. He would feel bad if he didn't, as they had taken him in without questioning his regression and such.

"Sure, no reason not to" he said with a shrug. "I just gotta change, I'll be back in a sec" Virgil explained, walking back to his room. He quickly slipped a pair of skinny jeans on along with a less baggy shirt. It made him sad, as the sweater was extremely comfortable, but he dealt. "Hey" Virgil said as he walked into the living room. Virgil slipped his phone into his pocket, heading to the door with Roman and Logan. "Where are we heading?"

"We're gonna go to the place down the street! The noodle place? Logan, whats it called again?" Roman said quickly. Virgil giggled lightly at his excitement. Logan raised a brow at Virgil's giggle, letting it off with a smile.

"It's going to, Roman, however, I believe it's actually called the noodle box, odd name if you ask me" Logan explained, getting on his coat. "I suggest you wear a coat Virgil, it's only 22 degrees out"

"Okay, first off, rude, not suggesting me to do the same? The fabulous prince to wear a coat too? Now heartless, and second, why do you correct me, but not Virgil, he didn't use a real word earlier, and you let it go! What's up with you pocket protector?" Roman rambled, he was teasing, and Logan paid no mind.

"Alright Princey, get a coat, it's 22 degrees out" Virgil said sassily with a smirk. Roman scoffed.

"I can decide that for myself!" Roman said with a grin. He did put on a coat though, and the three soon left going to the noodle box. Virgil wrapped his coat tightly against himself, shivering slightly.

"Hey kiddos!" Patton said as soon as he walked into the restaurant. The others had grabbed seats already, and were waiting for Patton.

"Hello Patton" Logan greeted. Virgil simply waved while Roman grandly greeted Patton, making some people turn and glare. Patton giggled and sat down next to Roman.

The group ate, soon deciding that they should go shopping. Virgil was worried though. When he had left, he had been feeling at least a tiny bit little, and as time went on, the feeling was getting stronger. Virgil timidly bit his thumb nail, substituting it to be his pacifier as the group walked. Logan looked to Virgil, looking for a defense in the small argument only to see Virgil falling back as he started to slow down. Logan thought it was clear Virgil was slipping, so he quickly explained that he was going to see if Virgil wanted to head back, as Roman and Patton mostly wanted to shop. The other two nodded, stopping ahead to wait to see what was going to happen.

"Virgil?" Logan asked as he approached. "You feeling ok?"

"Mhm" Virgil said, trying to hide the fact since they were in public. Granted nobody was around but that didn't matter to the younger male.

"Do you wish to head back to the apartment? I'm not fond of shopping" Logan explained. Virgil timidly nodded, "wave bye to Patton and Roman okay?" Virgil shyly waved goodbye, getting waves in return. He smiled lightly, turning to Logan. "Give me your hand little one, don't want you to wander off okay?" Logan said, holding out his hand. Virgil took it timidly. "How old are you Raven?" Logan asked. He had been doing research, and found asking the littles age would help the caregiver out to see for discipline and such. Virgil nervously held a three up, putting his hand down again quickly.

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