A few weeks

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I hate this one with a burning passion- but I'm not editing it because I don't even know where to start- so it's fine- Anyways! This is the end! I hope you all enjoyed it ^-^ and I hope to see you all again soon. You guys were a awesome audience as always- and stuck with me for my first (maybe only- we'll see) little book!

"Virgil?" Logan asked, knocking on the others door, he had been discreetly looking for a job for the other, one that was better for him.

"Yeah?" Virgil called, slowly getting up to open the door, popping his back in the process of stretching. He opened the door.

"How much do you actually like bartending? Like... would you want to pursue it? Keep working with it?" Virgil nodded.

"I went to college for it, of course I want to keep it" Virgil narrowed his eyes. "Why.. Why do you want to know?"

"Well, I have seen how bad the current bar you work at is for your mental well-being, I was looking for a new job for you, which, in that point, I did see a job for the new gay bar that opened up, and there's another bar farther in town that's looking for a bartender too." Virgil's eyes shot open.

"Really? I didn't even know about that- are they doing interviews anytime soon? Also- I got laid off for whatever reason yesterday, so I was looking for shit anyways" Virgil asked hurriedly, quickly looking through his clothes to find a nice shirt and pair of pants.

"Virgil, calm yourself," Logan said quickly. Virgil huffed, nodding but basically ignoring Logan, still looking around. "They can take interviews anytime, meaning there's no reason for you to be panicking" Logan explained, stopping Virgil in his tracks. Virgil sighed with a nod, leaning his head on Logan's chest.

"Okay.. okay, when should I apply for one... god, I forgot how much I hate interviews," Virgil rambled to himself. He sighed again, giving Logan a hug. "Thank you Lo, but I need to find my dress shirt... and then apply to them, okay okay" Virgil shook out his hands, taking a deep breath, and looking, a tad more calm, around his room.

"Alright... I'll be in my room" Logan said with a nod.

Thankfully, the interviews went well, they almost hired Virgil on the spot after reading his resume. Virgil had to choose between the two bars, and he chose the bar that had been running for longer, as it had more of a guarantee, it had been running longer, what could he say?

"Are you heading off for work already?" Logan asked. Patton and Roman had gone on a small trip for the week, so it was just those two. Virgil nodded, quickly getting on his new uniform.

"I literally can't be late, I need to leave early so I can get there in time" Virgil rushed out, quickly throwing the black vest over his purple shirt. Strangely enough, the bars uniform was quite similar to his own color scheme, which he was thankful for.

"Virgil, you need to calm yourself either way, I can drive you if you'd like" Virgil nodded along to what Logan was saying, not actually listening though. "Virgil, stop and look at me for a moment please" Virgil huffed a little, searching around for a tie or something. He didn't know anymore. Then he realized he was searching for his phone, and went to that instead. Before remembering he did in fact need a tie, and abandoned the search again, it was a horrible cycle. "Virgil!" Logan said harshly, grabbing Virgil's shoulders to keep him in place. Virgil flinched, looking at Logan, before taking a dee breath, nodding.

"Okay- sorry, I just need a tie and my phone"

"What color tie?" Logan asked softly.

"I uh- black I think?" Logan nodded, letting Virgil go to grab a black tie that was placed in an open drawer. "Thank you Logan" Virgil sighed, rubbing at his face in slight frustration.

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