Logan finally giving a nickname to Virgil

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I hate at least half this one oml- so bad-

It had been a few days since Virgil was given the bat.

"Yo Roman!" Virgil called from the living room.

"Yes, doom and gloom?" Roman said coming out of his room looking at Virgil.

"What time do the other two get back?" Virgil asked. Roman rolled his eyes.

"Soon" he said simply.

"Geez, who ruffled your feathers?"

"Nobody" Roman said harshly. Virgil jumped at the harshness of his voice.

"S-Sorry" He said submissively. Virgil stood, waving a small bye. He could tell Roman was upset, he didn't want him even more upset with a messy house. Virgil had fallen back into his old mindset from living with him. He didn't realize that though. He went to his and Logan's hallway. He decided to clean the closets first.

About two hours later and the hall was spotless, along with Virgil's room, the bathroom, and the closets. He now stood in front of Logan's door. He debated going in, seeming it was Logan's personal area. Virgil sat down across the hall. He rested his arms on his knees, looking at the door. He sighed. He couldn't go in. He scrubbed at his eyes, picking up a cleaning wipe. He noted that it smelt like lemon zest. Virgil wiped the door frame down, along with the handle and door. He threw out the wipe, running a hand through his hair.

"Make it spotless!" He yelled. Virgil whimpered, rushing to the cleaning closet. "God your useless"

"I said fucking spotless!" Andrew yelled. Andrew walked closer to Virgil, slapping him hard. Virgil didn't flinch, simply held the soon to be bruise. Tears still fell from his amber eyes. "Does this house look spotless?" He growled. Virgil thought it did, but he assumed it wasn't. He shook his head.

'It's not clean enough' Virgil thought. He pulled at his hair, trying to not cry. He took a deep, shaky breath. He grabbed his cleaning items. Walking to the living room.

Another hour later, Virgil was still cleaning everything down. He scrubbed at the table, tears falling from his eyes.

'It's not clean enough!' He thought harshly. He sat down, holding his head. He gripped his hair tightly.

"Virgil?" A voice, one that Virgil knew to be Logan's said. However, that's not who he recognized the as, he recognized it as him. "What are you doing?" He asked as he looked around.

"Sorry, I'll finish cleaning soon" Virgil said, trying not to sob. He stood shaking, grabbing the cleaning wipe again. He scrubbed at the table, before deciding it was fine. Logan stood in front of him, blocking his path.

"Why are you cleaning? Patton cleaned just last night" Logan said softly. He put his hands onto Virgil's shoulders. Virgil flinched.

"I made a mistake, I have to clean" Virgil said as if it was practiced speech. And it was. Logan raised a brow.

"What did you do? I'm sure it was nothing" Logan tried to reason. Virgil looked down still.

"I made a mistake, please move so I can finish cleaning." Virgil said lightly. Logan sighed.

"Where have you cleaned so far?" Logan asked.

"My room, both hall closets in the hall, the bathroom and the walls. I didn't go into your room" Virgil  said. Logan looked at him in surprise. "Also I cleaned the living room and dining room" Virgil said further.

"How long have you been cleaning?" Logan asked concerned. It normally took Patton and Logan, a few days to clean everything completely. Virgil swayed on his feet.

"Three hours" He said simply. "Please move" Virgil asked. Logan looked at him in distress. Logan however, moved to the side. Virgil then started to scrub at the counters, then the cabinets, then did the two dishes that sat in the sink, after wards cleaning the sink. Logan stood in complete and under confusion. He soon left, going over to Romans room and knocking.

"What" Roman said grumpily. Logan raised a brow.

"What happened with Virgil" Logan asked, going straight to the point. Roman looked at him with narrowed eyes.

"What do you mean, he pissed me off a bit but other then that nothings happened."

"Okay but what did you say" Logan asked.

"He asked who ruffled my feathers and I said nobody" Roman said rolling his eyes. "He said sorry and left the living room" Logan sighed, leaving Roman in the hall. Virgil was now cleaning out the fridge, reorganizing everything in it.

"Virgil?" Logan asked. Virgil didn't respond, and started to wipe the shelf's in the fridge down. Tears were streaming down Virgil's face as he did so. "Virgil, you didn't do anything wrong, it's okay" Logan said, stepping closer to the smaller male. Logan checked his watch, seeing Patton should be home anytime now. He hoped Patton knew what to do. "Virgil!" Logan said harshly, hoping it would catch the attention of the other. Virgil flinched, looking up. Logan sat down next to him. Wiping tears away from Virgil's eyes. "You didn't do anything wrong, it's just me" Logan said lightly. He wasn't sure, but he assumed that Virgil had previously been abused. Meaning he could be mistaking his surroundings for his old ones.

"Lo?" Virgil asked broken sounding. "I'm messed up" he cried. "It's not clean enough!" He sobbed, leaning into Logan. Logan surprised, hugged him back lightly.

"It's okay, it's clean enough, don't worry" Logan said, holding the other close. "Why don't you go lay down and I'll put the food away, okay?" Logan asked. Virgil shook his head.

"I need to finish it all" He mumbled.

"No you don't, that's big kid stuff, and you need to relax right now okay kiddo?" Patton said. The other two jumped, not realizing he came in and listened to what was happening. Virgil whined.

"I am big kid" He mumbled. Logan shook his head, picking the boy up.

"It's okay to not be a big kid Virgil" Logan said. Virgil shook his head.

"Mean man don'ts like it" he mumbled softly his face resting on Logan's shoulder.

"Who's the mean man kiddo?" Patton asked.

"Andwrew" Virgil replied.  Patton cocked his head. Logan nodded.

"Are you tired?" Logan asked. Virgil shrugged. He brought his thumb to his mouth before remembering it isn't good and put it down. He buried his face into Logan's shoulder further. Patton soon came with his pacifier, giving it to Virgil. Patton then started to put the food from the fridge away. "Patton?" Logan asked once he was done putting away the food. Patton hummed looking up. "I got things for Virgil, their in a bag in my car, can you get it?" Patton nodded with a smile. Virgil looked at Logan, poking his cheek. Logan looked over. "What?" Logan asked softly. Virgil pokes his cheek again. "Use your words Virgil" Virgil pouted.

"I wan ick ame" he mumbled.

"You want a nickname?" Logan asked. Virgil nodded. "Well you already have some, you have kiddo, stormy, storm cloud, and a lot more. Why do you want another?" Logan asked confused.

"From 'ou" Virgil said, giving Logan's cheek another poke.

"From me?" Logan asked confused. Virgil nodded. "Okay" He said starting to think. Roman then loudly came into the room.

"Why's the house so clean?" He asked. Virgil shook his head, tears coming to his eyes from the loud sound and the mention of the cleaning he did.

"I'll explain later Roman" Logan said with a small glare. He took Virgil to the guest room turned Virgil's room. He gave Virgil his little bat plush. "It's okay Raven" Logan said lightly.

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