Virgil gets angy

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Virgil yawned softly, rubbing his eyes, grip loosing in the bat plush. He blinked, seeing nobody. He set his bat down, getting up to get a piece of plain toast. His stomach still hurt, but all he remembered from earlier was he didn't feel good and he puked. He still felt nauseous, but it was fine, he's dealt with worse. He yawned again, grabbing a piece of bread and throwing it into the toaster as he leaned on the counter by the toaster.

"Hello Virgil" Logan greeted. "How are you feeling?" Virgil shrugged.

"Better then earlier, just pretty tired, I mean, I just woke up and haven't had coffee though so it makes sense" Virgil grumbled, grabbing the now toast and taking a small bite. Logan nodded.

"Any clue why you got so sick?" Virgil sucked in a breath.

"I don't wanna bug you guys with my diet and shit" He mumbled, taking another bite of toast.

"It won't be a bother at all Virgil"

"I- I get sick after eating most meats. Chicken is more or less a grey zone, it depends on how much I eat of it. Then pork and beef and all the rest makes me sick no matter how little I have" Virgil explained quickly. Logan nodded.

"Interesting" Logan hummed. "I'll make sure if we have meat or anything we have something else for you"

"You don't have to do that! I'm okay, I normally avoid it anyways! I was just little and not thinking about it, I was just excited to see what tacos were" Virgil said quickly, taking a bite of the toast.

"It's not an issue Virgil, I'm more then happy to make sure we have something for you at meals if it's needed"

"I'm an adult Logan, I can do it myself if I need to" Virgil grumbled.

"I understand that, however, I was simply offering my assistance." Logan said softly. Virgil nodded.

"Yeah, I know, sorry just on edge for whatever reason" Logan nodded.

"You should probably call in sick for work you know" Logan suggested. Virgil shrugged.

"I'll be fine" Virgil said simply. Logan sighed.

"You threw up Virgil, I'd say that's a good reason to call in sick"

"They don't have anyone else though"

"Then that's their fault, not yours" Virgil groaned.

"Fine! Whatever" Virgil grumbled. Logan nodded with a soft smile.

"I think you should go to bed too, it's obvious you're not feeling well" Logan explained further. Virgil groaned.

"Stop treating me like a kid Logan, I'm twenty four" Virgil said harshly.

"I was just trying to help you Virgil, it's obvious you wouldn't of even taken work off despite the fact your ill, Virgil" Logan said angrily. Virgil flinched, looking to the side.

"I can decide what the fuck to do Logan," Virgil snapped. "You're input right now doesn't concern me, I'm going to work, and you can't help that any, I need the money, so back the fuck off and leave me alone" Virgil quickly left the room, slamming his door and locking it. He took a deep breath, finishing the toast and grabbing his work clothes. He changed quickly and grabbed his phone, leaving the apartment not giving Logan a second glance. He really didn't know what was making him so mad.

Virgil sighed, waving to a waiter as he stepped behind the bar. Andrew came up to him.

"Hi cutie" He giggled, his friend for once was no where to be seen. Virgil groaned silently.

"What do you want?" Virgil asked.

"Oh you know, the usual, shot of vodka and a chance to get your number" he giggled again.

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