Bath Time

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This is probably my favorite lol

Virgil came home from work once again crying. Logan was then informed by Patton that it had happened almost every time he came home. Logan, was not having that.

"Virgil?" Logan asked, the other male who was just barely big right now, so he was going to have to be quick about it. Virgil hummed, wiping at his tears. He was in a state of disassociation basically. "What do you do for work?"

"M a' bartender" He mumbled.

"What do you wish to do though?" Virgil shrugged.

"Book writer 'aybe" he muttered. Logan nodded. "Dey don' make much tho'" Virgil continued. Logan nodded.

"Okay" Logan said, ruffling the males hair. Logan sat down. "Anything else you would ever want to do?"

"It' hard cause, cause ima little, and it hard even at da bar" Virgil whined. "I ust' wanna be wittle," He mutter, slipping quite further then normal. "I don' wann' worry bout' dat stuffs. I ust' wann' be ittle, more ofen' den' ight' now" Virgil giggled at the thought before frowning. "Bu' dat isn't real tak' ust' a dream. I ust' dont wann' be scared 'o much" Virgil sighed. "An' I be ittle for now doh?" Virgil whimpered.

"You can be little now Raven, I'm sorry for pushing you" Logan said with a small smile. "Let's get you a bath, you're all stinky of adult juice" Virgil whined.

"I ont Ike bafhs" Virgil whimpered. Logan picked Virgil up, cringing at the smell of alcohol.

"Why not Raven?" Logan asked, going to the littles room. Virgil whined, knowing his room could be considered dirty and didn't want Logan mad at him.

"It embarrassin! I dont Ike when I gotta ave elp with bafhs" Logan chuckled.

"Well, last I knew, we had some bubbles we could put in, and Patton might have a rubber duck if you wanted a toy too." Virgils eyes lit up. He didn't even remember the last time he had a bubble bath, or had a rubber ducky to play with.

"Pease?" Virgil asked. Logan nodded, opening Virgils door to get new clothes for him. Logan noticed the small mess, simply turning to Virgil who was stiff, his eyes closed tight as if expecting  to be yelled at.

"Raven?" Logan whispered softly. "You gotta keep your room clean, alright?" Virgil looked at him.

"N-No mad?" Virgil whimpered. Logan smiled.

"I'm not mad"

"I-I sorrys, I fergot" Virgil said, tears dripping down his face. "I-I sorrys"

"Raven, its okay, you clean up really quick while I get your bath ready okay?" Virgil nodded softly. Logan set him down, watching as he went and put his dirty clothes away. Logan quickly grabbed a onesie for Virgil, along with his pacifier and the clip for it. Logan then, went and got a towel for Virgil, placing it in the shared bathroom before knocking on Pattons door.

"Hey Lo, what's up?" Patton paused. "Where's Virgil?" He asked slightly panicked.

"He's cleaning up his room. Do you have that bubble bath stuff and a few toys from when Remus used to stay here?" Patton hummed.

"Yeah! I put it in the storage closet in your hall!" Patton smiled. "Ill come help you with Virgil if you want after I'm done!"

"That's not necessary but thank you." Logan said with a smile. He waved goodbye, heading to the closet.

"Papa!" Logan jumped, hearing Virgil cry.

"Hey, whats wrong Raven?" Logan asked, rushing into Virgils room.

It's okay Raven (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now