Remus protec- Remus go grr- Remus is a happy boi

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Virgil shook with unheard sobs as he walked home. The days were just becoming worse and worse and worse at the bar. He didn't want to quit, as it was the only place that would really hire him. Virgil's hands shook opening the door to the apartment, falling into the first persons arms and burying himself there, letting himself cry. Turns out, Remus was the first one there, he was on the edge of little space, as he was just too excited for Virgil to get back. Now, Remus was good at controlling his little space, unlike Virgil, but his mass amounts of emotions flicked his little space switch, so he immediately started hugging Virgil like an protective older brother. Which, he basically was, as he was in the headspace of a six year old where as Virgil was in his normal three year old headspace.

"Hi Virgie" Remus mumbled, holding the other tightly. Virgil didn't answer, just shook with more sobs while he hugged Remus tighter. Logan had come in by now, with Virgil's pacifier and Birdie. Virgil didn't notice Logan, only flinched away harshly when Logan tapped his shoulder gently. Remus growled at Logan, whispering it was okay to Virgil. Logan stood stock still, confused greatly.

"M scared Rem!" Virgil cried out softly.

"I'll get rid of dah meanies Virgie, nothing ta worry bout" Remus said with a grin. Virgil nodded, looking up at Remus.

"Hey! Wai' a sec! When you ge' here?" Virgil mumbled wiping at his tears.

"I dunno!" Remus said with a giggle, which caused Virgil to giggle as well.

"Raven?" Logan said softly, glancing at Remus, who he could tell was protective of Virgil.

"Hai Papa" Virgil mumbled, looking over while staying in Remus' hold.

"Do you want Birdie and your pacifier?" Logan asked. Virgil nodded, reaching for Birdie. Remus grinned lightly, knowing he calmed Virgil down. Remus let Virgil go so the pacifier could be clipped onto his shirt, but Virgil whined, looking at Remus. Logan glanced at Remus, giving a soft smile to the boy who looked confused on why Virgil was whining. "You need to change out of your smelly clothes, then you can play with Remus if he wants to play alright?" Virgil looked at Remus with a whine, nodding softly as Logan picked him up to change him. "Remus?" Remus looked up at Logan.

"Yea?" He asked with a tilt of the head.

"Stay here, alright?" Logan asked calmly. Remus huffed, but nodded. "I'll be back in just a minute" Remus nodded, grabbing his octo and going to find Janus. He found Janus quickly, as he was in Romans room.

"Daddy?" Remus mumbled. Janus jumped, looking at Remus.

"Hi Rem, what's wrong?" Janus asked, glancing at Roman and walking with Remus to the living room.

"Nothing, just wan someone else to talk with" Remus mumbled with a small grin. Janus sighed playfully.

"Really? Where's Logan? I'm sure he'd be fine to talk with you. And Virgil should be back any time now.

"Rem!" Virgil shouted with a smile, hugging Remus with a giggle. An exasperated Logan came following Virgil.

"You literally never run off" Logan mumbled, causing Janus to laugh. Virgil looked over in confusion.

"Wha' chu laughin' at?" Virgil mumbled, looking at Janus before looking at Remus. "W'ater we gonna do?" Virgil asked, holding onto Birdie with a soft, but firm grip.

"Mmmm, color?" Remus asked. Virgil nodded with a giggle, quickly running off to his room to get the coloring books and crayons. Remus followed suit, giggling as Logan went with them with a sigh. Virgil had paused at the sigh, stopping and looking at Logan.

"I sowwys I run off" Virgil mumbled through his pacifier. Virgil quickly went and stood by Logan, leaving a confused Remus.

"It's alright Raven, follow Rem and go get the coloring books okay?" Virgil nodded with a smile, rushing over to Remus to help get the crayons and book.

It's okay Raven (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now