Uhhh Virgil's birthday?

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I'm not editing these when I publish them- so if this sucks I'm sorry •~• I'm pretty sure I edited a while back though-

It had been a just barely a few days since Logan had learned more about Virgil. Now it was Virgils birthday. Well, the night before, Logan.... was panicking. He was getting this fuzzy feeling when around Virgil, this, nervousness whenever he was around the other, and not to mention how much it hurt Logan when Virgil was so scared, he thought that thought he was getting sick. He sat at his desk, not knowing what to do. Maybe he is simply sick, so he should rest until he's better. He nodded, deciding that was his plan.

Logan awoke that morning feeling fine, and make coffee for him and Virgil, as the other two liked tea or hot chocolate, but didn't drink it in the morning. Logan wondered if Virgil would fall into little space today, or would wake up little. If Virgil did, he couldn't have coffee. As it made him shaky and more anxious. Logan sighed, sipping the black coffee. He checked his watch, figuring that Virgil should be awake by now anyways. Logan wondered if he should go see if Virgil was awake. He was quickly told that he was when Virgil came out to the kitchen, holding his bat and sucking on his pacifier. All of Logan's questions were answered when he saw that.

"Hey Raven" Logan greeted. Virgil shyly waved. "Are you hungry? I can make you something if you want." Virgil shrugged, hiding his face. Logan smiled, and picked Virgil up who giggled. "How about getting you some juice?" Virgil nodded shyly, hiding his face in Logan's shoulder.

"Hey kiddo!" Patton said as he went into the kitchen and seeing little Virgil. Virgil waved, still not showing his face. Logan soon handed him his only sippy cup that was now filled with apple juice. "You just woke up huh?" Patton said with a kind smile. Virgil nodded, fumbling around to keep ahold of his pacifier as he couldn't quite figure out the clip. Logan noticed, clipping it to Virgil's shirt.

"Well do you know what today is Raven?" Virgil shook his head.

"Your birthday!" Patton said with a giggle. Virgil gasped.

"Woah 'elly?" Virgil asked, seemingly amazed. Logan nodded.

"How old are you kiddo?" Patton asked. Virgil became shy once more, hiding. Logan rubbed his back gently.

"It's okay Raven" he said lightly. Virgil nervously held up two fingers, still hiding his face in Logan's shoulder. "Thank you, that was very brave of you" Logan praised. Virgil giggled.

"I 'ungy" Virgil mumbled. Patton nodded with a smile, grabbing an apple from the counter. He cut the apple up, putting it into a bowl while Logan set Virgil down so the younger could eat. Virgil pouted, but decided that if he could have apple slices then it was okay. Patton set the apple slices down in front of Virgil. Virgil smiled, thanking Patton.

"RoRo wakey?" Virgil asked, munching on a apple. Patton shrugged.

"I'm not sure Kiddo! Want me to go see?" Virgil nodded, watching as Patton left. Virgil soon ate his apples, giving the bowl to Logan who placed it in the sink.

"Up?" Virgil whispered. Logan obliged, picking the boy up.

"What type of cake do you like Raven?" Logan asked, planing on getting the cake later. Virgil once again became shy, hiding his face.

"I' stupid" he mumbled.

"It's not stupid, I promise" Logan said softly, bouncing Virgil slightly. Virgil giggled, before shaking his head.

"I 'ont 'Ike cake" he mumbled. Logan nodded.

"What do you want as a substitute then?" He asked. Virgil hummed with a smile.

It's okay Raven (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now