{{Lotor and the cheese factory}}

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A/N: {{This is a small sequel to the Lamborghini incident because your girl here works at a cheese factory her self and couldn't help it. All the more so since I've had so little sleep I could almost hear Lotor in my head asking me if I'm ok and the reply I give in my head was always a yes but I could even imagine the glare of 'You can't lie for shit, I see those dark bags under your eyes'. So yeah it's for me if you enjoy it that's great! If you don't... skip it.}}

A/N 2: {{The main story will continue after the new years work load is over, I'm just giving myself some self help with this... I'm so damned tired... And yes Steve is Lotor but you don't know that yet.}}

New week, new start! Right?  


Since the celebratory season was on there was waaaaay more orders and bigger ones that usual the work had you squeezed dry of any energy or will to do anything and gods where your legs, back, head, eyes and so on just useless after each day, yet you still managed to pedal your bicycle home without fail each day, with maybe an occasional glare from a car driver when your control did falter for a second what you did manage to get in check fast enough to not cause a road accident. Now though you weren't going home, instead you where going back to the insanity that was the cheese factory you worked at. At least it wasn't raining but instead there was this nasty strong wind that knocked your breath away from your already breathless self and with each push of the pedals you cursed at how you wished spring would come sooner and then the warm weather would sneak back in again then again everybody thought like so till it got too hot and complain about it again. These things rattled around your mind as your vacant look kept it's direction to the road. 

After the incident with the so called road-rage Steve you did think on your driving awareness too and stopped using headphones or at least turned down the volume so it wouldn't muffle out the world around you anymore. Aside from that your had never really ran into the guy since then but you did end up having a half decent conversation with him with coffee he had offered to buy for you, in fact you both went on the hunt to find the silicone for his shower since they had a tendency of shifting about the locations of certain sections due to products and need for certain products changing as seasons swapped and you had lived in the area for longer than him so you didn't mind helping out as well you got to warm up enough. He still reminded on the offer to take you home by car but you still refused. On top of that, indoors with good lighting you could discern his facial features and all around appearance much better, he still remained a towering giant as before but now you could see the sharp and well defined cheekbones and smooth skin but you did notice some discoloration and maybe even old scar trails over his arms when the arms of his hoodie slipped back. You didn't question about them but he most certainly did show a certain amount of displeasure and secrecy when he notice them having become visible you had though to ask about the ears and the teeth to what his reply was that he used to be into body modification a lot and that was what was left from those days and that also explained the sharp looking nails too as he said it was just a habit from those days that he still couldn't let go of and it over all suited his aesthetic. 

-"What kind of aesthetic is it? Black clothes covered in white paint, old body mods and a terrible sense of driving."

-"I don't even know myself at this point, only thing I do know though is that the last few years had been the most normal feeling years I've had in a long time."

You wanted to ask about it more but seeing his somewhat sunken and gloomier attitude it didn't feel like it was your right or even choice to ask why he felt like so, instead you just changed the subject and Steve did seem to appreciate it too. 

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