Another string of fate Part 2. ((Lotor x reader x Aaravos))

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A/N: Nobody asked for it but I'm doing more of this one anyway. Don't like it? Don't read it.

Time passed slowly and peacefully in the company of each. Lotor was still somewhat recovering, it seemed much slower than he would usually but that you all assumed was out of lack of actual quintessence in this place. It did worry you a bit though as you sat next to the prince in the bed, letting your fingers run through the now shorter strands of hair. After seeing him self in a mirror Lotor had decided that cutting the damaged parts off and evening out the hair would be the best and despite Aaravos's offer to try and restore some of it Lotor refused saying, "It is a time for some change. If my life is to change so much then something in me must change too even if it is just visual presentation." So with that in mind you and Aaravos cut off his hair till around the nape of his neck and due to the nature of his white locks they looked more full since shorter they where lighter and after some adjusting an almost brand new looking person sat next to you, it felt like more than the hair was what changed about Lotor. His whole demeanor and manner of addressing both you and Aaravos was different, much more loving on the surface, more relaxed and unrestrained. You had seen the two share a few more intimate looks with each other in a form of glances and reassuring touches what you found both endearing and somewhat interesting. Aside of that though it did beg the question of what was going on between the both of them as a small bit is jealousy sneaked in the back of your mind, not out of dislike for the nature of all of this but more so that you felt that maybe you had become a third wheel.

The feeling of insecurity was looming and therefore, slowly you began distancing from them both. It was a slow progress you made over time to give them space, you wanted them both to be happy, maybe this is where Lotor would be happier, where he could be free, where he could let the pain and trauma of thousands of years heal bit by bit.

The somber look in your eyes looked down upon the setting sun outside the window even if it was all an illusion it still set you in peace in a strange yet welcome feeling of relaxation and unknown to you the pair of sapphire blues looked up at you with a sense of worry. "Dear, is everything alright? You seem a bit melancholy."

-"I'm alright, no need to worry." You said still not turning your head to look at the one laying across your legs. You had found your self in this position a lot since Lotor arrived in here, you took care of him, kept him company and cherished his new found peace but it would be a lie to say you didn't felt a bit left behind even when so close to him.

Lotor was no blind fool, it wasn't the first time you hid your true heart from him and he had all the intent of finding out what had caused this as he reached in his hair for your hand and stopped it's constant raking through the white strands as he dragged his other arm under him to support his upper body to rise it off you, to look at you better. You had said all was fine but the look in your eyes said different to him and he rose his vacant hand to place it upon the side of your head letting it cup the bowl of your cheek gently yet cautiously as there where lines of worry now between his eyebrows as his thumb rubbed gently under your eye "I can tell something is bothering you, what is it dear? I thought you trusted me."

You did trust Lotor, with your whole being but some things you still choose to keep to your self, some things that aggravated and upset you.

You knew already for a while now that your feelings for him had long since passed the boundary of just care and familiar affection. It had grown into something more strong, more unbridled, something you had no idea how to control or understand, it was just there and that was the sole reason you felt both warmth and happiness but also dread and pain in the chambers of your heart and you did not know how to make it stop, or maybe you did but you feared what outcome it could have.

You knew your trust had a tendency of wavering due to your past experiences so even if you said that you trusted Lotor, it was not a trust without limits though. But here it wasn't the question if you trusted him but more so if you trusted your self and that thought, that question was what held back your answer to him.

((Future of hope)) Lotor x readerWhere stories live. Discover now