Lotor x reader (Voltron) ((A name))

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You've been in the outpost for a couple varga already yet still hadn't left the cruiser as still a mild bit of fear and caution nudged at your mind, whispering of uncertainty and caution to you like a dark fog creeping away the rays of sun you had come by. 

The outpost was also a rather well respected and busy market and exchange point for many in this corner of the universe and as Acxa had put it, "Best place for finding what you look for when you don't know exactly what that something is." You didn't doubt it but such crowded place and filled to the brim of people and things you didn't know made you rather uncomfortable. Back in the mines it was always the same and all that could be heard was drilling, cracking and guard banter as they overlooked the work process, at least on a good day. On worse one... well you had dwelt on those plenty of times already. 

You heard steps approaching the lounge area in the back of the ship where you sat on something akin to a sofa with yet another document of Lotor's archives as you decided to rather busy away yourself with knowledge than join the group in the market exploration. But the footsteps stalled as you rose your eyes to look up from the manuscript in your hands. 

"Isn't market exploration more interesting than sitting cooped up in the ship? I thought you'd already be tired of it." came the rather amuse voice of Ezor as she resumed her walk and closed in on you and you sat up with your back more straight than before. "I've never been to a one but from what Acxa explained to me you need some kind of income or something to trade to utilize it. I don't really own anything, not even this body suit since you people gave it to me. until recently I didn't even have my own free will so it only made sense for me to stay back and look after the ship while the rest of you have fun out there," you explained or at leased tried to as it wasn't really a lie either. "Forget about the bodysuit already, none of us can get in it anymore anyways, I did however hear a word from Acxa that Lotor did plan on getting us a batch of new ones and we still need to body scan you and get your armor fitted so you can really feel like a part of the team." She said with a grin as she sat on the edge on the backrest and leaned backwards slightly almost as if calling but not quite. "I think I also heard him saying he'd take you out to a parlor in the shop district to get the design, we each have somewhat different armor, same colors and style but designed to suit each of us the best way. I remember the day I got mine for the first time, it gave me this odd sense of joy you know to hold it in my hands surrounded by these people. I was the newest edition here before you came around you know so I'm wandering what will your reaction be when you see yours, what it will look like."

In all honesty Ezor was hiding a few details, she had wept the day she first put it on , she had never had anything like that before, always looked down upon, always mocked and shunned for her origins of being a hybrid and as well abandoned by her parents like she was an eyesore. Unlike you she knew who her parents where and they both were well in health the last she heard about them but despite that though as a child she wished they accepted her she gave up and refused to chase after their approval. 

And then.

Then Lotor happened.

Ezor's words made your mind wander too, you never actually owned anything, nobody's ever gone out of their way to get you something and all while you already owed Lotor your life he still kept giving, "I wander about that too," you half-whispered looking down at the reading material you had been reading but now only laid your eyes over it in absent minded manner as your thoughts fantasized about what that would look like on you, dressed in the colors of Lotor. 

"Want to know why we wear the color's we we do?" Ezor asked somewhat amused as her she saw the curiosity flash in your eyes. 

"Lotor would never admit it but it's because of Kowa. That cat has been at his side before any of us. Kowa is actually even older than prince him self. When I tried to ask him about it he just ignored my question but that way he looked away gave it away instantly. I wanted to laugh back then but now that I think about it Kowa most likely was his first and only friend for a long time  that's stayed at his side all his life. That feline means a lot to him you know. Narti was the only one that managed to steal her away from Lotor but it still remains a great friend to him, he respects that creature a lot. I heard that Kowa choose Narti when Lotor was away on a war torn planet, I think Lynuxia was the name. Kowa had gone wandering off and Lotor found her at Narti's side sitting outside of a cawed in house. Her eyes had been clawed out by something and her vocal cords had been severed too so she was mute and blind when he found her as well. Narti connected with Kowa almost instantly, like they where meant to be at each other's side and Lotor took her in and helped her. She has a telepathic ability so she was of star fairing decent in some way as well as she can do some other manipulative things but Kowa amplified them even stronger, with Kowa, Narti could see again and Lotor brought her back to the empire where she learnt to fight and over time became so skilled she was ranked as a general and joined Lotor's side, she came around before me." Ezor explained as she tipped over and landed with her back on the sitting  area  and let her feet dangle over the edge. 

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