That damned, purple Lamborghini {{Lotor x reader}}

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((More of a crack sidestory for shits and giggles cuz I needed it. There is a bit of not so fun things but it's all for the plot. Also, everybody is alive and well and Shiro and Lotor are like best friends.))

Oh it was just a common day after any other work day. Well more like rainy as hell, cold and on top of that your co-workers where assholes today more so than usual. 

-"I need a new job..." You grumbled to your self pedaling your quite old but trusty bicycle home. You live quite close by to where you worked so a car was not really on your list of things you really needed, anything else was easy enough for you to get to as it was by either public transport or you could ask of your very few friends to hitch you a ride in case you really needed to move something big if the need ever came for it...

So there you are, cold, tired and barely seeing where you are going in a downpour so heavy that you could even see BMW drivers slow down just to see where they where going, with an occasional hothead still dumb enough of course that would speed pass regardless of how flooded the evening streets where. Many people where going home, not just you, so it wasn't just the rain that got you soaked to the bone but the no-shit-giving car drivers that speed through particularly large puddles in your close proximity. 

After one such puddle you where currently trying to wipe the nasty water off your face to see where you where going as well as waiting for the green light to let you continue on your way home. The light swapped for green and the headpones on your head muffled out the loud roar of a car on and oh boy where you in for a surprise when you finished and saw an overly luxurious, purple super car zap pass and splash another slap of rainwater as they seemed to turn a corner with relative ease despite the wet road and pulled into a parking lot. How you knew this? You stopped to get the moisture out of your face again and watched as, who ever the ass-hat was, dissapeared behind a home depo store. All you saw was white long hair and by it guessed it was some rich and spoiled, platinum bloodline that most likely had her daddy buy her the car and the drivers licence. 

At this point you where so pissed and infuriated that just to spite and get your anger out you turned and went after them. You weren't sure of what you would do but you sure as hell where going to give the bitch a peace of your already over-exhausted mind and if worst comes to pass, might even throw a punch or two. 

Was it smart to assault anyone out of pure and mindless anger that wasn't really their fault? 


Where you really thinking that far though?

Also no, but you sure as hell didn't care now.

 You felt energy almost whelm up in you out of sheer amount of how pissed you where.

So you left your bike at the side of the store in the bike parking area and made your way to the car that stood out like sore thumb around the usual and more common cars. You could see some of the people carrying materials and tools out the store to their cars and some other going into the store but your eyes were set and focused on one thing and one thing alone, the damned blue garbage can.

You  approached the car seeing that who ever they where they still where in the car. Good, at leas you didn't have to go looking around where the bitch was.

You marched up to the drivers side of the car and knocked on the glass, not bothering to even look inside the car, not at least till you noticed no change, no reaction and then you really banged on that widow with a full fist what sure as well roused the dumb ass in there and soon after you saw the door open and first a pair of freakishly long legs in a pair of new looking nike air running shoes that had white specks all over them like someone had dumped white paint on them by accident. Black pair of trainers, also covered in some white paint and then you saw the clawed hands that took hold of the side of the door as they stood from the car. Black hoodie and by no surprise also covered in something white, they realy needed to wear something more appropriate for doing renovation work.

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