Another string of fate Part 3. ((Lotor x reader x Aaravos))

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A/N: Wanted a lot of fluff but it morphed into a lesson of what love actually is and what it means to love and be loved, how fear can mold a person to a point they don't realize they feel it till it's presented to them where they can't avoid it.

It wasn't always sunny in this illusion prison. There where foggy, cold, rainy, windy and even snowy days too. How could one tell?  The courtyard, the very same place your and Lotor first appeared and today it was rainy. 

The scenery in the windows was gray and melancholy with the white noise of rapid and heavy droplets hitting what ever surface each landed upon to splatter across the clean pavement bricks that laid in a straight trial to the other side of this almost palace-like building. It was also the only place where anyone could see the sky. Flowers never withered here, it was like time had stopped in their bloom of as soon as they bloom they just stay like that, that's how Aaravos had explained it to you both when the elf deemed that Lotor's health was well enough to go outside. Not that he was ever chained to stay in the bed but it was more so that his legs still hadn't fully recovered but he was making progress, slow and steady each day you both where at his side helping to move around and when he felt well enough Aaravos even helped him on his own feet and held him up to let him get the feel of his feet. 

The first time you all tried to get Lotor to his feet it was quite something. Lotor was glad to at least stand on his own two feet again but even he knew he was far from the agile swordsman and fighter he used to be. His muscles had lost some of their mass from the injuries he sustained since as Aaravos explained, he can cure his injuries but not grow back muscles, and while there where spells to help him boost his progress Lotor turned them down as it was in his interests and the way he was that he'd get back what he lost by his own means but he didn't turn down help when it came to getting around it self, he still got to walk around but not in the same sense as mostly now it was Aaravos that carried him around when a need came for it. 

Today though. 

Today Aaravos insisted he'd carry Lotor to see the courtyard. Since his initial arrival he still hadn't set foot in it but today you all agreed that some more fresh air would do good for all of you but even more so for Lotor, he needed a change of pace and scenery. 

Upon Aaravos's request you fetched coats for yourself and Lotor, Aaravos didn't feel the elements mostly and he had said that rain was one of the things he liked to enjoy but none the less you took and extra just in case so while the two got Lotor settled you turned to the closet at the other side of the room and looked around for a blanket of sorts, you weren't going to sit in the rain it self really, just outside under a small roofed off area and enjoy a late lunch together as well as cozy up. You all 3 have been doing that a whole bunch since that day you had the panic attack and you didn't feel like complaining at all about it , in fact you where quite looking forward to it. 

You pulled out a woolen blanket of sorts out form the closet and the coats you had slung over your shoulder when you turned to the other two seeing how now Lotor sat at the edge of the bed and Aaravos was busying him self  over putting a pair of slip-on shoes on his feet and the Galtean chuckled about something Aaravos had said so you walked over to the two as Aaravos finished up and you came around with the coats and handed the longest one to him. It was a beautiful dark navy color with moving nebula all over it, a gorgeous sight it was when you saw it draped over Lotor's shoulders as it cascade down the sturdy shoulders of his, it fit him well and contrasted with his skin and pure white hair quite well. "Looks good on you, then again I think even an old sack would look good on you really." You said and Lotor could not help but chuckle to your compliment. "Why thankyou I do feel though that this constant spoiling and lack of training is going to turn me into a lazy cat in one of these days."

((Future of hope)) Lotor x readerWhere stories live. Discover now