Lotor x Reader (Voltron) ((Crystal clear))

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It's been about a couple months since you more or less started to live on a Garlan Ship, not just any ship though. The cruiser belonged to no other than the infamous prince in exhale - Lotor, son of Zarkon. 

As much as living was concerned on the ship you didn't get around much. It wasn't like it was cramped either, it was more so that as much as you where more or less alright in a fight your navigation and piloting left much to be desired. Zethrid and Ezor did try a few times to teach you but you nearly crashed the whole thing by accidentally engaging a hyper jump right in an asteroid belt of a nearby planet so after some scolding and borderline nervous breakdown on everybody's part it was decided that you'd stay away from the deck unless Lotor or other generals of his requested you to be present, though after that occasion that hadn't happened really. 

On most part days went by rather calmly. Minor events like explorations and scouting around was rather easy and hardly ever caused problems unless the local wildlife of a planet or surroundings them selves tried to put the group to an abrupt end when on an expedition. Lotor was more interested in peaceful ways of exploring avoiding fights where it was possible but if some fights did end up breaking out around them then he was of those that didn't step back and never left any of you behind regardless of how rough things where at times. Some occasional conflicts where a must as well but living in such closeness and each having come from different backgrounds was bound to have some emotional flares here and there. The epitemy of it felt like the first time you stepped you foot on the cruiser when you where sent off to another system or so your owners had intended to but you escaped the convoy and sneaked your way onto the cruiser what lead to your current location. 

"Ezor?" You heard a chipper from the living quarters next to your own. Your neighbor in a sense was Zethrid, closest one to a friend you had next to Ezor, both where almost glued at the hip and you always saw them together even when leaving the ship they would flank Lotor on the same side where Narti and Axca on the other where now most of the time you would be behind Lotor himself still loosely fanged by the two burlier ladies.

"Zeth, I barely got any sleep in last couple quintants, what is it?" You could hear from inside your room as you tried to pass time reading something in Garla, a story of some kind you had borrowed from Ezor, she had plenty of those and you knew Garlan well enough to at least read it and understand the basis as your previous owners had been Garla too and you ended up knowing enough from living under their command.

-"Lotor's been kind weird the pass couple phoebs, ever since that human just came up out of nowhere." 

"Yeah but what of it, not really that surprising really. She can fight when the need comes to it and if anything a pair of extra hands is always nice to have around so I don't doubt the girl in that regard, and by the bruises I saw on her that day I can't blame her for ruining away, I mean none of us have had an easy life and not like it's easy now but it certainly has improved. at least in my eyes. I don't miss my planet system at all if you'd ask me and after the many times Lotor's saved out asses and we his can't argue on the fact that we work together really well despite the differences at times." Ezor seamed to reply. Ezor moved in Zethrid's room when you where taken in and realization was met that leaving you to sleep in the common area was not a good idea after Axca sat down on your sleeping form one time and almost crushed your ribs. 

Lotor him self didn't have the will to toss an unfortunate and decently skilled person out when they practically begged him to be allowed to stay and not be sent over back to the ones that just sold her anyway. 

The first time you laid your eyes on the Galtean you didn't think they where even a Galra for their lack of body hair and how short compared to regular Garla he was and of course the white hair. If anything he felt like a complete opposite of what you had always assumed a Garla would be like. This one was intelligent and despite having a sharp temper didn't lash out but instead, was rather cool headed and calculative.  Lotor was always the man with a plan and if that plan didn't work there was always a backup or an easy way to pull back to try again what you found your self admiring in him.

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