Lotor x reader (Voltron) ((claws))

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-"Where is Lotor?"

-"I don't know, haven't seen him for a couple varga now. Maybe he's sleeping, he had been up for a few quintants, for him though it's normal, it's how he's always been."

Ezor's explanation did make sense, it the time you've been with them Lotor was a one to stay up for days in time, 'a courtesy of quintessence' as he called it. He was an extraordinary guy for sure and in every sense of the word too. 

But regardless of this you did need to see Lotor, something interesting had come up in your observations of one of the relics in the storage room, the crystal you both sort of bonded over had a red flicker that blinked in and out slowly what did make you wander why it did that, you wanted to know and hoped Lotor knew the reason. 

-"He's probably in his own quarters reading or something if he's not sleeping. You can try look there but if you don't find him there, maybe he is in the training arena again." Zethrid chirped in as she was overlooking some navigation data with Ezor. 

Your wanderings in looking for the prince had lead you to the deck, and though it was agreed you wouldn't go there, you did have a need to find the white haired Galtean and more often than not, there it was where you'd find him at, and it wasn't like you where craving  another piloting lesson any time soon after the heart attack you gave everybody that one time. And it wasn't really a solid agreement to keep you out of the deck, more so that you'd just stay away from the pilot chair that mostly was usually where Lotor him self would sit anyways. Now though you saw Kowa having curled up on the soft seat having a nice nap. Narti was near by as well, tapping away on a translucent UI correcting something. 

"It's not that serious of a matter but I'd like his opinion on some things," You said as you wandered if it was a good idea to bother Lotor on his off-time. He too needed some self time after all, everybody did really but you had even brought the crystal peace with you to get his assessment on the matter since he knew these things much better than you. Despite all the literature you had read that was in the archive and the manuscripts in the storage room gave little information on the crystal it self, though it was just a peace of disassembled Altean jewelry it always seemed to pique your interest. It had a strong reaction to quintessence and certainly was man made but it had all the qualities of a naturally formed crystal too.

"I guess if he's not sleeping I'll ask." You said as you turned to leave the deck and seek out his living quarters but as you left Zethrid spoke up again, "Be careful though. He did seem a bit melancholy the last I saw him, even a bit angry at something but the moment I tried to ask him he just dismissed me and left, that's when I last saw him. I don't know what goes on in his head but sometimes I'm worried he might do something... unnecessary." Zethrid's words did make you think again of your decision but it didn't lessen your intent on seeing the prince.


Your feet lead you to the door of his room, you had never set your foot in it, even less, seen it but you where certain it was his, on your first day when Ezor showed you around the ship she did point out that it was his. 

You first tried to gently knock on the center of the door what seemed to give you no response at first. then you tried again giving it a more louder knock, "Sir! It's me, Can I have a word with you?" Spoke seemingly to empty air but a moment after it you heard a rustle here and there and an annoyed sigh, "Give me a moment, dear!" He called out from his side as you heard some water running noises for a tick and again rustle of fabrics of some kind. 

After that feet approached the door  and a beep of a hand scanner opened the door to reveal a more casually dressed prince in similar colors as the armor everybody wore. In fact when you though on it, everything had the kind of feel and color, even the cruiser it self. 

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