Lotor x reader (Voltron) {{Homebound}}

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Night cycle went on and none where the wiser when Lotor awoke before everybody else, then again it wouldn't be a surprise to anyone on the said ship anyways.

The platinum white streaks of hair where mildly tangled from the hand that had spent the night in the warm comfort of his long hair somewhere around the left side of his temple and he was meticulous and cautious in his manner of removing the said limb from that spot to not awaken the one that said hand belonged to. As comforting the warmth and kindness of her hand was Lotor knew he had to prepare, there where still a few things that he needed to finish before they reached the HQ, like getting the updates of current affairs in the empire as well as send out the form for the new crewmate/servant to avoid unneeded squabbling upon arrival. As well as, he needed to get a few things done in regard of adjustment for the comet when they got to that as the half-read report still sat in his archives and a set of servant armor for her...

He looked back at the still sleeping form not giving away a single hint she would be waking any time soon. He lightly puled the cover over her a bit more and went to get in his armor as usual but being careful not to make any unneeded noises. With some minor adjustments to his arm braces and slight flexing of his fingers to be sure his gloves felt nice and snug he took one last look  at her for just a moment as he turned his gaze back to the door of the room and left the place. 

Corridors where still dark as expected and on his way to the main deck he passed the rooms his generals lived in too with a light glance spared for each one in a slight wandering of how they where coping with this change. He would never say it out loud but he too felt unease when it came to this sudden promotion. A weary sigh left the thin opening of his mouth as the call from HQ played back in his memory. Even if he had wanted to he couldn't have said no to them. Initially he had ideas of how to get his hands on the comet without the use of his new tittle as well, he'd need to face the new crew of Voltron sooner or later anyways so, just because of Zarkon's falling short on his abilities he had to stand in. Haggar couldn't do that either because she was not a Galra, everybody knew it but her skills in arcane and scientific knowledge had landed her the spot she had as a right hand of his father, she almost always was present when he came to HQ as rare as that tended to be and even then it was never out of his own interest to be there but out of being called in for some tedious chores. He knew Zarkon would never change his view he had on his onwn son. "Annoyance," the old sag of bones used to often describe his own descendant by blood. As much as Lotor was a kin of Zarkon he also wasn't. Lotor always clung onto his Altean roots, he felt more connected to their culture the more he learnt and understood them. To him those refuges he hid away where is kin, his people. He did not want to rule them, he always just wanted to be one of them. In fact they always welcomed him with open arms where Galra only shunned him and it might be because he was trying to save them but in his mind and heart he loved them unconditionally so even if he sat on the highest chair in Galra empire he could never really connect with them.

As Lotor arrived at the main deck he didn't open the doors quite yet but just stood there and looked at the still closed doors of the main entrance and slowly placed his forehead against the cool metal surface. 

To him this was his home. This ship was his freedom in fact. Even if things turned sour, he always had at least one place to return to. even if Galra mocked him and if one day Alteans would reject him, even if the rest of the universe would spit at him, he always had this ship, this home of his. 

Lotor was keen to never get attached to physical things as everything had a tendency to become outdated, broken or destroyed, even the ship he had now was not his first one but in fact it was the one he had for the longest time, about half his life, around 5000 years give or take, it was old but served him well. So many teams of his had walked these hallways, so many things these walls had seen and heard. every form of emotion. Each spot here had a story to tell really. Even the door he stood against now. He had replaced a few times after either attacks or some more volatile arguments. Everything has been fixed or replaced in this ship at least a hundred times over and some even much more. Despite how old it was it had never failed him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2021 ⏰

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