Lotor x reader (Voltron) ((Out of control))

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The trip to the pillars was something not even Lotor him self had predicted but there the two of you where, siting in the now open cockpit. Lotor had woken from the small nap a while ago and you still slept like the dead, it astounded him how soundly you could sleep even in a place like this. He wanted to believe you when you said you trusted him but on the same note there was a nagging thought in his mind that your trust was ill deserved to him. He was gambling a lot with this but then again the plan to use you was the initial thought the day he took you in, it wasn't a lie, it's just he was certain to use that plan only if all else fails, at the very last dire situation he'd relay on you if he had no other means to an end with this.

His cobalt blues looked upon the glorious sight of the nebula, he didn't risk getting too close because of the rate of radiation and many other dangerous aspects that arise from being anywhere too close to a part of universe that literally destroyed and made new celestial bodies constantly. With that in mind his arms that did hold your now limp and sleeping form turned to fists as more and more thoughts came and left, his constant state of thinking was not just a great advantage but also his weakness at times as the idea of his plan for you rolled around in his head, it was as if he was fighting with himself. 

-"I'm not misleading her. She asked to stay, she wanted to help..."

-"But the way you use her is not fair, she trusts you. Once you start this there will be no turning back. Would you really want her to look at you with hate in her eyes and it all be directed at you."

-"I'm not hurting her, I just need her to help me connect with Voltron, after it she is free to choose where her wishes lead her. "

-"You think she'd have the will to leave? After all of this?"

-"I... I don't know... Maybe I should of just sent her away. I can find other ways to get to Voltron."

-"This has long since transcended that..."

This constant back and forth in his own mind almost arguing with himself with his logical and moral side, it was like a battle he knew would never end, especially now when the center of that argument was right in his grasp, sleeping peacefully and not having a care in the world, or so it seemed at least. 

You finger twitched.

Then the whole arm shuddered and soon after it he could hear your breaths becoming labored and there was this tension from you that confused the Galtean. You where dreaming but by the looks of it it was not a good kind of dream you where having. Because of it Lotor pondered over trying to wake you out of it and in all honesty your random flailing about now was causing him some bit of discomfort too so he put on the cover of the cockpit again and took off his and your helmets when the pressure and oxygen normalized in the pit. 

-"Y/n, wake up." He tried carefully as he shifted you to the side so you'd sit parallel to him so that your head laid on his full palm. it still amused him of how small you where at times but now it juts made him think you where horribly frail.

Seeing you only trash your hands about more vigorously he decided a more direct approach and lightly patted one of your cheeks with the back of his hand. "Wake up." This gave him a reaction even he was surprised by. 

Your eyes snapped open as a both confused and horrified look laid on your face and a shriek of terror filled the cockpit as your mind still was entwined with the vision of your nightmare. The horrid things you saw, the terrible feeling of dread and helplessness encased your frail form, it was almost the same look you had on the day he first met you, the time you asked him to take you with him, not leave you behind. 

((Future of hope)) Lotor x readerWhere stories live. Discover now