Lotor x Reader. (Voltron) ((Astraphobia))

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In space it wasn't uncommon to see flashing and igniting things. Outer space is ever-changing and that it will remain for infinity.

"Entering a electro-magnetic zone. Prepare for radar instability."

Chance for such problem was low but it was never excluded and as a mandatory warning it was always repeated to remind that regardless of what ship you fly there can always be intrusions and dysfunctions.


The area was big to traverse through with these static and electro-magnetic anomalies but to avoid Zarkon's scout ships it was always better, especially when there where news of some of those ships having an active bounty out for Lotor's head on a silver plate and though Lotor could probably pilot all of you out if you went through the direct coordinates it was decided that using the cover of magnetic storm was better for now, seemingly Lotor didn't want to deal with all the trouble and if there was a way to avoid a fight then he would.

Electro-magnetic storms had a tendency of making noise when making contact with argon plating that most Garla cruisers where covered in and Lotor's ship was no exception so at times when an energy stream did collide with the surface it made a loud crack and boom noise, much like thunder would after you see lightning it self.

On the planet you lived on as a slave to your Galra owners there was never such a phenomenon and you had never seen thunder or lightning before so when you first heard the loud boom it reminded you of the crack that whips made when someone was being punished for disobedience, you your self had ended up at the receiving end of those whips more than a few times. Lack of discipline was never tolerated and some of your owners rather liked listening to squeals of pain from their slaves so more than once those punishments where dished out simply because they said so, nobody cared if you where guilty or not, in their sick joy you where.

Those memories did not sit well with you so you instantly started looking for a way out, a way to get away from the noise, the flashing of lights, everything. You heard Lotor and his generals converse over navigation and such but your mind muffled their voices out and only let you focus on the thunder when energy snapped at the corpus of the ship. You looked around some more and Ezor being nearest to you eyed you with your odd behavior and wrinkled her forehead in confusion and not long after Lotor noticed it too, "Is something the matter?" He asked to only get a mild reply of , "No, no..." But Lotor was no fool he could tell the signs of distress, the restlessness, your hands could't keep still and the irises of your eyes had closed in and shrunk as a slight whimper left you as another crack and boom was heard from to your left side and then you finally spotted the doors out of the deck and without another word or an excuse marched for them and Lotor's cobalt blue eyes narrowed in a knowing glance, something was very wrong and he was going to find out what.

-"Acxa, take over the chair for me. I need to see to something, I trust you can maneuver us out of this storm safe and sound?"

Acxa bowed with her fist over her chest in a salute, "Of course, sir."

With that Lotor let his generals look after the ship and he knew they where more than competent in dealing with this.

In the mean time cracks and booms sounded on and on but Lotor didn't mind them, it wasn't his first time going through this but for you it looked like it was or something else had startled you while being on the deck and he was going to find out so he tailed after you shortly but lost sigh of you when you went around a corner of a hallway and he rounded it too but didn't find you in the sight but it was the hallway that lead to general rooms and living area so there wasn't much of a guessing needed to know where you went.

He kept his pace steady and calm, rushing and loud foot falls would only startle you more and he needed to get to you and frightening you would only make things worse, so it seamed like at least as he quietly stopped in front of the door thinking if he should just open the door or ask you to do it to not scare you by accident. Some part of him though had a feeling that even if he asked she might just not reply and act like she wasn't there but of course she had to be so he ended up placing his hand on the scanner and the door opened.

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