Lotor x reader (Voltron) ((Sleep))

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A/N: This is a bit shorter and somewhat fluffier chapter. I hope you still find it enjoyable. As well, I'd appreciate some constructive criticisms aside from my spelling, I know it needs work alredy.

After the battle you and Lotor had it was agreed you'd still go to the market. There, in a spirit to celebrate Ezor and Zethrid both had quite a few drink and where more than jolly in their mood, to a point that even made Lotor sigh in annoyance when the two would laugh about something rather mundane but somehow found it humorous. So to keep face and to keep the rather drunken ladies at a safer place for both of them and everybody else it was decided that you would all head back to the ship after just a couple hours of wandering about. You had a drink too but decided not to go as far as the two other had and stayed with something simple and after a recommendation from Acxa sipped on something sparkly and light in alcohol content, it did taste quite nice as well and since it seemed quite cheep you didn't feel too bad when Acxa said she'd pay for it as a small welcome present and you none the less appreciated it all the same. Lotor on the other hand was on his 5th cup of what ever he was drinking  and when you asked Acxa did suggest it was better you didn't know so despite the remaining curiosity you decided not to pester about it. It didn't seem too strong since he still was very much steady on his feet and didn't act like Ezor and Zethrid, then again after you visit to the parlor you could not help but imagine him trotting about with a glass of a something akin to a sparkly wine and nude on the most part and palmed your face with the free hand to stifle a laughter what did make Narti and Kova throw you an odd look and you waved it off to dismiss their curious look and picked up your pace to be in step with Lotor. 

"You don't seem all that much in a good mood, sir. Everything alright?" You asked and a tired groan left the galtean. "I wish Ezor and Zethrid would just quit it already but saying them to stop in this condition they both are in is like talking to a toddler that can't even speak yet and I do not have the energy today to deal with this. I already have a headache from their constant cackling." You reached up and patted his back just a tiny bit with a reassuring smile. "Maybe, if you want you could go back to the ship before us and rest then. I think if worst comes to worse I, Acxa and Narti can try our best to drag them back soon enough too and you look like you need some sleep." 

Lotor took a moment to contemplate the offer as he took another swing from his cup and scrunched up his forehead as if something bitter had touched his tongue. "I can't just drop out now and I don't think it would be wise to leave you three to deal those two alone as while Zethrid is quite easy to manage after you knock her out if need comes to it Ezor has a tendency of turning invisible and mess around with people what has caused us problems plenty of time already, then it's only me that can get her to stop." Of course Lotor had a decent reason up his sleeve and out of all of you he did carry the biggest responsibilities. If someone in his group messes up he is the one that has to deal with the nasty parts of smoothing stuff over, sometimes it was Acxa that did it too but more often than not Lotor had to step in. "Besides, both of them deserve a bit of break too it's been a rough couple phoebs for them both." 

You didn't understand really what Lotor had meant by it but then the reminder of that conversation you heard that night you wanted to go spar but Lotor stopped you. Ezor had little sleep indeed and Zethrid was quite irritated at times and despite it Lotor never scolded them for it, he most likely knew it better than anyone that too long work hours and stress could throw you for a curb at any moment. You knew by now Lotor was a workaholic but you got a feeling there was more to it than just research and reports at this point. Thinking on it now you did feel a bit guilty for now doing even half as much as everybody else was. "You know, you can trust me with a few more things too at times. If you explain me how to do reports I can help with those and other things too. Maybe I can't pilot for shit but I can damn well do something to help you and the others more." Another drowned out sigh left Lotor as he took another swing from the cup. "Reports, no. Something else? Sure, we can look into that when we get back. Zarkon would be all over me the moment something in the reports doesn't quite click together and I don't really want to deal with that, we already have our hands full of plenty other things." You nodded in agreement you did not want to put even more pressure on his shoulders when there was more than plenty of that already. "Fair point."

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