Lotor x reader (Voltron) ((Trust))

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After the initial takeoff from the outpost things went back to the way they usually where. Management of the cruiser and the ever present feeling of wander for you of what's next to come in your journey with these people. On the most part things where the same by the majority. After you delivered Lotor his requested log entry you dismissed your self from the main deck and went back to the storage facility that had almost become like your own second room at this point and the idea of maybe sleeping here wouldn't be so bad to avoid awkward mornings in Lotor's room crossed your mind, but then again there was nothing to sleep on there, not that it bothered you much but you had come to like the idea of sleeping on something comfortable and it would be a lie to say the new sleeping arrangement was the most comfortable thing you had ever slept on in your entire life and trading it off for a hard floor in a much more cool storage facility would be silly when you already had taken the offer of his room. 

When Narti returned from her observations of the two other generals only reaction from Lotor was another weary sigh but he didn't say anything to explain why he had such a reaction and asking for that explanation now felt like it would aggravate the prince... Emperor only more. The thought of the title change left you clumsy so you just turned to reffing to him as 'Sir' instead, it still was valid and held the same respect, it still did unnerve you a bit of how quickly things had changed but then again with this group it was hard to find a particularly boring day. Maybe if there was really nothing to do or there was a varga or two that was very quiet and then on most part you'd just settle your self in reading again. There was a near endless sea of information Lotor had collected over his long life but for him it looked to never be enough. Also one other thing you did come to notice very soon was how fast of a reader he was. A log of text that would take you 10 dodshes took him at best 2 or 3, then again he spent most of his free time reading or going over material that required concentration and good sense of understanding. Once, you came across one of his mother's research notes and upon opening it tried to decipher what was written in it but gave up very soon after when none of the scientific terms in them made sense to you. You did eventually ask Lotor him self to explain it to you and by all mean he did try but you cognitive ability to learn such terms and difference in each was much more limited, not because you didn't want to but more so that the terms and their spelling was so abstract and beyond your linguistic abilities you just threw in the towel half way through when he tried to explain a term used for measuring the density of a steel alloy you had no idea even existed at this point. To that Lotor had just laughed and said that it was alright and that you should stick to things you feel comfortable with but he did remind that a person grows only when put in unfamiliar position and in this sense you have been learning ever since you set your foot on the cruiser. There where still plenty of things about Lotor and his team you did not know and that did bring back the conversation you had with Acxa rather recently. Maybe just some things where better left the way they where. 

All things considered, you did think on Acxa's words rather often now and it showed, especially to Lotor, he was a very observant person but his observations so far had not given him a definite answer to your behavior and it was making him gradually annoyed at this point and that was also very well noticed by Acxa and it started to concern her as well. 

Back when you all split apart after the meeting, Lotor did have a mild conversation on the topic with Acxa but she dismissed the worry he had as to humans being moody by nature when tired and since you had said you where tired after the long day Lotor too decided to settle for that but the thought it self still nagged the back of his mind so among his calculations for their flight trajectory he even accidentally typed out 'annoyed' instead of 'angualte' in one of the commands and almost sent that off to Narti to process for the navigation console. Something wasn't right, Acxa's reasoning didn't settle his mind so after he corrected the mistake he turned off the hologram screens and laid his back flat against the rest of the seat and laid his head on the leathery comforter and closed his eyes to get his mind in order. 

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