Another string of fate part 1. ((Lotor x reader x Aaravos))

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A/n: This is very loosely related to the  ((Future of hope)) timeline but this is one way I could see Lotor have happiness and love given back to him after what happened to him. It's is basically pure fluff and angst and the characters are fairly oc so I can understand if it's not for everybody. I just needed this for myself also this a poliamory fic so read at your own discretion.

PS: Let me know if you'd like me to write another one. 


-"Aaravos!" Pair of very rushed feet ran into a study full of books and magic tools with the certain startouch elf buried among it all, looking for some incantation that had been driving nuts over not being able to recall it for a spell he wanted to try.

You on the other hand where a complete different case, no magic power coursed through your veins and the sheer fact you where in this mirror prison with the arch mage came as a very sudden surprise. 

He had found you in the inner courtyard of the conjured castle that was supposed to be his prison and had been a solitary confinement for oh so many years. 

And then the lonely days where over.

You appeared, sleeping among a bed of daises dressed in a strange set of armor, scuffed up and beaten but still alive and in an attempt to salvage your fading life he put all effort at work to heal you with all he knew about humans. 

A week or so later you awoke in a bright and comfortable room atop a big bed that reminded a lot of the one you knew from your passed life, instantly memories of the battle near a rift came to you and how you got sucked in with your leader, the prince you so willfully and loyally followed into the yaws of death and ended up separated and far away from. The moment you awoke there was a figure before you, a man, no, not a man, a creature you've never seen before but he still reminded you of that very same prince, but there where horns atop his head and the clothing he wore was too revealing and lacked the authoritative feel his kin sparkled like the stars in the endless void of space. "Lotor?"

-"I must disappoint you dear. I am not this 'Lotor' you speak of. I am an arch-mage, my name is Aaravos. I found you in the inner courtyard garden barely pulling your last breaths about a week ago. How did you end up here?" He asked with the most eager look in his eyes he was completely taken by your existence it seemed. 

-"I... My name is Y/n. I was with a team lead by Prince Lotor of the Galra empire but during a battle I was separated and cornered. I... I though I was going to die, I was hit in my head  by accident and rest was just darkness till awoke here now."

There was a thinking look on the mage's face and ever since then you've spent your days around them, enjoying company and slowly telling each other of things you both had done in your lives till now. In a sense Aaravos reminded you of the prince. Both of them banished, well spoken, intelligent and caring at heart when it counts but Aaravos was a bit more overbearing but when he told you how long he's spent here and why you could not blame him for being so attached to the first living and sentient being that's a possible constant. Every time you slipped or stumbled anywhere he'd hold out his hand as a kind regard that you would not be harmed by what's around you and you had come to appreciate it though you had to remind him at times that too much can be too much when it came to what you where comfortable with. 

And then this day came about.

-"What is it dear that you find yourself out of breath and in need to shout in the middle of the afternoon." The mage questioned but the moment he turned his eyes to you your eyes where brimming in yet unshead tears and he was worried. "He's here! He direly needs you help Aaravos, I beg of you, I'd do anything, anything at all!"

((Future of hope)) Lotor x readerWhere stories live. Discover now