Lotor x reader (Voltron) ((Chanage))

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The time you awoke as you had expected Lotor was not in bed but unexpectedly was back at the holographic table working on something and of course all set in his armor neat and tidy. White hair hanged loose over his back and shoulders as he looked to be hunched over the panel and seemed oblivious to the fact you had sat up awake in the bed. You eyed his side of the bed and the blanket was neatly folded and sat under the pillow almost to a perfection but it was so far expected, Lotor would not tolerate messiness and chaos at least not for long periods of time. 


The greeting startled you a bit but it was welcoming at the very least but still it was surprising how he could just seemingly sense that you had woken up. The bed didn't give out any sounds, it wasn't made of any material that would do that. Maybe he had heard the shuffle of your blanket as you sat up or perhaps the change in your breathing pattern as your sleep released it's hold on you. 

-"Morning... I didn't bother your sleep did I?"

-"I slept just fine, no need to worry."

-"How long was I asleep?"

-"About 7 vargas."

-"And you?"

Another moment of silence.

-"Long enough..."

Somehow you knew that would be his reply and after your conversation yesterday you knew asking more of him was quite simply futile since he'd probably give you the same reply he had back then. But maybe, just maybe in time if your will is strong enough and you try hard enough you could get him to have full dark cycle of rest. None the less you could not suppress the annoyed sigh that left you as you moved sideways and let your bare feet meet the floor under you but you still stayed sitting for a moment more as you eyed the armor you had sat on the chair along with the body suit  but seeing Lotor already preoccupied you felt safe enough to change and with a grunt stood from the welcoming warmth on the blankets and when you where about to reach for the bodysuit you heard a sigh from Lotor what did make you throw a glance his way again. 

-"Something wrong?"


There it was, that silence again, you did not like it one bit but decided to let Lotor have a moment in hopes he'd reply. 

-"There is a colony I'm looking after that I created and I've been taking care and sheltered from the eyes of my father but it has run in some problems and they require my aid but at the current moment I don't have the chance and time to do so and I'm torn on weather take one of my fighter ships and try to reach them but risk unveiling them to Zarkon or staying here and hope that the problem doesn't persist for too long and they can manage without me. On the side there is a new order from the empire to scout out a planet a couple hyper jumps away from where we are now but Voltron are in a close proximity, not that they worry me too much now but I do want to find something that they would know how to find, their princess at least would but asking nicely to them is absolutely out of the question with the relationship between us and them. That princess would probably rather have my head on a silver plate than consider a civil conversation."

-"But you are half Altean, shouldn't that count for something?"

-"In their eyes, no. All they would see is a Zarkon's son or just another galra that want's nothing but destruction."

-"But that's not fair! they should at least hear you out, give courtesy of some kind."

A sarcastic chuckle left Lotor as he somewhat turned to look over his shoulder at you. "My dear, universe doesn't care what's fair or not. Here it's kill or be killed, fairness is a rarely used term for it's true meaning. I can understand the reasons Princess has for her hatred for me, Zarkon, or any other galra. Our kind destroyed and massacred her's and there is barely any left anymore."

((Future of hope)) Lotor x readerWhere stories live. Discover now