Don't Mess with Alistair's Family

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I don't know the name of the guy Gray called to the classroom after beating Oswald up, so I'm just going to call him Desmond Kang.

'Oswald Yang, Desmond Kang, and Bryce Oh were the main perpetrators of the incident at Byuksan Middle School,' Alistair's eyes narrowed. 'Oswald Yang is the son of a city representative, Oscar Yang. Knowing how corrupt people are, the incident was not an accident. Those motherfuckers pushed Stephen Ahn off the roof. All of the troubles Oswald Yang caused were covered up to preserve the school's image,'

'The principal, Daryl Bae, received a massive donation for the school from the chairman through Oscar Yang. He also pocketed additional money from him personally. The vice principal Gilbert Gu partnered with the principal to continuously monitor and keep students and teachers from leaking information. The homeroom teacher, Jerry Bang, was offered a deal by the other men and falsified a report on the incident in favor of Oswald Yang, Bryce Oh, and Desmond Kang,'

'When Gray retaliated by beating the shit out of those three, Oscar Yang had made sure that all the schools near Byuksan Middle School refused to accept Gray, despite his high grades. That's probably why Gray was forced to attend Eunjang instead of a school with a better reputation like Yeo-Il,'

Alistair sighed. 'I'm gonna need to be extra careful. This isn't Desert Kingdom turf. We have zero bases in South Korea. I don't know how the underworld is here either. If the Yeongdeungpo Delinquent's Union, which is ran by high schoolers, isn't even in the shallow depths of the underworld, then I don't know how the underworld is. South Korea is known for their rigorous educational system, so there's probably more brains than the US underworld,'

'But I can't just let those three bastards get away with this, even if it was a year ago. Yeah, Gray beat them up, but that's not enough. They put Steph into a coma and when he awoke up, he had no memories. One beating is not enough. They deserve to suffer even more!' A cruel smirk made its way to Alistair's face. 'I guess I'm more like my brother than I originally thought,'

'I'll borrow [Your Name]'s cloak, mask, and scythe,' Alistair planned. 'I'll go as The Reaper. People don't suspect me of being The Reaper because there are a lot of witnesses that saw The Reaper with me at Eunjang's gates. In fact, if I go as The Reaper, it'll take the suspicions off of [Your Name], if there are any. I'm sure some people have crazy theories that she's The Reaper since she's so close to me,'


Alistair didn't tell [Your Name] was he was going to do. He knew [Your Name] also had a right to punish those that harmed Stephen since he was also her brother, but [Your Name] should just relax and spend time with her friends and brothers. Alistair was going to deal with Oswald Yang, Bryce Oh, and Desmond Kang by himself.

Alistair decided against going as The Reaper and instead opted to wear a Night Baron costume. There were witnesses that saw The Reaper with him and that would lead the investigation to him, which he did not want. It was a good thing that Alistair had packed a Night Baron costume. Don't ask why he brought it with him to Korea.

Night Baron decided to deal with Bryce Oh first since he wasn't from an important family and therefore wouldn't have much security. He waited until Bryce got home and his parents were not around. Night Baron waited in Bryce's room and when he entered, Night Baron covered Bryce's mouth so he wouldn't be able to scream.

"Bryce Oh," Just like with The Reaper's mask, Night Baron's mask had a voice changer. "You, Desmond Kang, and Oswald Yang have caused a lot of trouble for your schoolmates," It wouldn't be narrowed down to Gray or Stephen because they weren't the only victims of the trio. Anyone who had been victimized would be a suspect. Even if Gray and Stephen were under suspicions, they would have an alibi since weren't anywhere near the three houses.

Night Baron proceeded to beat the shit out of Bryce Oh. He did the same thing to Desmond Kang, whose house he was also easily able to break into while avoiding the security systems.

Oswald Yang's house was the hardest one to break into. Night Baron hacked into the security cameras and spent a few hours observing the guard shifts. There weren't as many guards as Night Baron thought there'd be, but that was probably due to the arrogance of the city representative himself. 

Night Baron entered Oswald Yang's room when he was sleeping. Like he did with Bryce and Desmond, Night Baron duct taped Oswald's mouth, wrists, and ankles. But this time, Night Baron was going to give a worse beating than the previous two. Stephen was unable to walk without crutches so...Night Baron broke both of Oswald's legs. A muffled scream filled the room.

"You, Bryce Oh, and Desmond Kang..." Night Baron kicked Oswald in the face. "You three have caused a lot of problems for your schoolmates. This is your punishment,"

By the time morning came, Night Baron was long gone. 


"Alistair," [Your Name] asked in Italian as they ate breakfast. "Did you attack Bryce Oh, Desmond Kang, and Oswald Yang last night?"

"Come on [Your Name]," Alistair said. "Why would I do that?"

"Because I heard from Gray and Fen that those three were the main perpetrators of Stephen's incident in middle school that resulted in his comatose state and amnesia," [Your Name] pointed out. "Besides, the news says it was someone with a white face mask with eye slits and a mouth curved in a twisted grin. There culprit had straight black hair that fell just pas his ears. He wore a dark blue or black top hat, suit, and caped overcoat,"


"That sounds like Night Baron from Detective Conan," She claimed. 

"I'm not the only Night Baron fan," Alistair reminded. "Just like in the US, we aren't the only Detective Conan fans. In Korea, there are other otakus besides you, me, and Jake Ji. You're suspecting me without any evidence,"

"Why didn't you bring me along?" She inquired.

"Don't worry about it," Alistair smiled. "Just relax while we're in Korea,"

'His response to that question proves that he was Night Baron,' [Your Name] sweat-dropped.

The attack of the three made the news, especially since Oswald Yang's father, Oscar Yang, is a city representative. Of course, they won't be able to catch Night Baron.

Next chapter is Extras II and then the chapter after that will have Erik Vaelstrom making another appearance.

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