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Donald Na didn't know what was wrong with him. A few days ago, he had literally been late to a meeting all because Alistair simply asked him to drive [Your Name] to the movie theater. 'I'm never late to meetings, especially since I'm the one who set the time. Why...why did I agree to drive when I was busy?'

He wanted to see her. He wanted to be with her. For some reason, whenever he was around her, he didn't need his tough bad boy mask. He could speak casually with her without worrying about her spreading rumors and lies about him, though that might be partly due to the fact that she didn't know his real name. 

At first, he thought of her as merely a subject of interest to pass time. Then he began to think of her as a friend. Now...he wanted to be even closer to her. The way she laughed...the way she smiled...he found it very addicting. 

"Fuck," He groaned.

"Donald, is everything alright?" Kingsley inquired.

"I'm going to ask Jake to bring something," Donald stood up. 'This is not love. This is not love. This is not love. I'm not in love. I'm not in love. I'm not in love,' He dialed Jake's number as he headed down to his car. "Jake, lend me your romance manga,"


"I said let me borrow your romance manga,"

"Is...this Donald Na?"

"Yes and I'm ordering you to let me read your romance manga,"


"Hand them over to Kingsley at Yeouinaru. Tell this to no one,"



"Jake, is everything alright?" Kenny asked. "That phone call seems to have really bothered you,"

"It's fine," Jake grabbed a plastic bag and started putting some manga inside it. "Someone wanted me to loan them some manga,"

"Aren't you going to wait for [Your Name] first?" Dean inquired. "You said she was bringing some chocolate,"

"You guys can start eating without me," Jake told them. "But don't eat it all. Save a few bars for me. I'll be back soon," He then left. 'Why does Donald Na want my manga? And he specified romance manga. He has the money to buy his own copies so why does he want to borrow mine? Is he embarrassed to buy his own and doesn't want it permanently in his home?'

His eyes widened upon recalling something Timmy had mentioned and quickly looked at the Shuttle Patch. 'Are the rumors of Donald Na having a girlfriend true!? I really want to meet this girl but is it worth the risk? Hmm...I'll think about it. I should be more worried about this 'Cheesy Vampire' guy that hangs around [Your Name]. I'll have to ask [Your Name] to arrange a meeting so I could meet this bastard and scare him away from my precious sister,'


Your POV

You ended up returning home fifteen minutes later and shoved all the chocolate inside your refrigerator. 'Okay, maybe I'll call a taxi once the chocolate is completely solid again,'  You heard a knock at your door and Alistair stood there with a smug grin. "Fuck you, Al,"

"Not interested in you," Alistair snickered. "You know perfectly well I don't swing your way, though I am flattered that you're asking me,"

"You're so obsessed with Damien that I'm wondering if you have a crush on him," 

At your words, Alistair laughed. "I'm more into cute and adorkable, not cool and badass. Also, I'm not into one or few night stands. Maybe if I was staying here permanently, I'd ask him out. But nah, he's all yours [Your Name]. I won't stand in your way of love,"

[Weak Hero X Reader] Romance 101 [OLD VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now