A Brighter Future

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This entire story is being rewritten as [Donald Na X Reader] Romance 101 [NEW VERSION]. It'll have more details, flow better, have more bonding moments, and Myles Joo.

"[Your Name]!" The Eungang, along with Stephen and Damon, barged into the room.

"Don't be too loud," Gray warned. "We're in a hospital,"

"Mommy!" Damon made a grabbing motion for his mother. 

[Your Name] carefully picked him up and brought him into a hug. "Hey buddy,"

"G-G-Grandpa's dead..." Damon sobbed.

"I know," She patted his back. "I know it hurts, but there's nothing we can do. When you lose a loved one, there is no 'getting over with it.' We have to continue on with our lives. The pain may fade away and may come back in large waves. The only thing we can do is to learn to live with it. But Damon, you aren't alone. You have me, your dad, and your uncles,"

There was a moment of silence except for Damon's crying. 

"So [Your Name]," Gerard asked. "How are you right now? We heard that the Union got kidnapped and you had to go and save them with Alistair. You should've called the police,"

"Donald and Jake would've been killed if I went to the police," [Your Name] had been informed of the cover story Alistair had created. "Alistair and I brought the ransom money. They didn't want to let them go and planned to kill us too. We had no choice but to fight,"

"Why didn't you bring us with you!?" Ben yelled. "We could've helped you!"

"Ben, not too loud!" Eugene tried to calm him down. "You're going to scare Damon,"

Ben saw Damon whimpering and sighed. "Sorry...But [Your Name], you could've died. You were shot,"

"I still can't believe that you actually survived fighting and escaping a mafia," Teddy added. 'Those mafia guys managed to kidnap all of the Union school heads, including Donald Na! How did she escape?'

"It was hard but fortunately, we all survived," [Your Name] said. "Everyone's safe and recovering,"

"Hey [Your Name], I know that things might still be awkward for you and your brothers since they're still in the Union," Ben said. "And Donald Na is the head of the Union too..."

"Donald told me that he plans to disband it at the end of the school year," [Your Name] told them. "I want to give him another chance. I know that him disbanding the Union doesn't make up for all the shit that the Union has done, but I hope he can become a better person. I hope he can change,"

"As much as I want to deny that someone like Donald Na could change," Alex said. "Teddy used to be a bully who was friends with Phillip Kim, but he became a better person. But Donald Na..."

"You don't have to trust him," [Your Name] stated. "You don't have to hang around him. You don't even have to acknowledge his existence. You don't have to interact with him. I'll be the one interacting with him. I'm the one giving him another chance,"

"If he ever causes any problems for you," Ben advised. "Don't hesitate to call us. You're our friend. We'll be there for you and I'll beat the shit out of him if he hurts you,"

'If he does hurt me, he'd have to deal with Alistair,' [Your Name] smiled at her friends' protectiveness. 'He might even end up dead if he hurts me,'


[Your Name] was discharged from the hospital. Donald, Alistair, Stephen, and Gray brought her back to Mr. Nae's house, though there was a gloomier atmosphere now that Thomas Nae was gone. Damon clutched Frank the Bat tightly as they entered. He tried to hold back his tears but struggled.

[Weak Hero X Reader] Romance 101 [OLD VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now