Stephen and Gray

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"Hey," You asked your brothers from Daehyeon. "Have you guys known of any incidents from last year that resulted in serious injuries?"

"Other than the usual fights, then there isn't really much that causes serious injuries around here," Timmy said. 

"Maybe the incident happened in a different area," You mumbled.

"Why, what're you looking for?" Jake inquired.

"Stephen here lost his memories in an incident that caused him to become comatose," You informed. "All he has is fuzzy memories of a friend here in Korea. We're hoping to find that friend so that we can restore his memories,"

"We can try asking around town tomorrow," Alistair suggested. "And I'll hack into middle school databases for any records of Stephen Ahn,"

"Alistair, please don't do anything illegal," Stephen sweat-dropped. "I don't want you to end up in jail just for helping me regain my memories,"

"I won't get caught," Alistair claimed. "Besides, if I do get caught, I have bail money,"

'I'm gonna ask his brother if I can leave him in jail overnight if he gets caught,' You thought.

"Why don't we ask your friends from Eunjang if they know anything?" Stephen suggested. "I'd also like to meet them,"

"I'll text to see if they have time to meet up tomorrow after school," You said.

"We'll meet them at the park at 11 AM Saturday morning," You told Alistair and Stephen

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"We'll meet them at the park at 11 AM Saturday morning," You told Alistair and Stephen.

"Will you and Alistair be okay to meet up with them?" Kenny asked. "You're both pretty beat up,"

"We didn't go all out so we're fine," Alistair laughed. "If we went all out, then one of us would be dead," 

"Alistair, I'm sure at your strength you should be on the Yeongdeungpo Shuttle Patch Rankings," Timmy said. "By the way, is it true that you pinned Donald Na to the ground?"

"I may or may not have threatened to kill him too," Alistair claimed. "But it doesn't count since he didn't fight back,"

"I also heard that The Reaper appeared," Timmy recalled. "The Reaper stopped you from killing Donald Na. Do you personally know The Reaper?"

"Possibly," Alistair said.

"So that's a yes since you're not denying it,"

"I was trying to sound mysterious," Alistair pouted. "If you're going to ask about The Reaper's identity, I ain't telling ya," 

"Let me ask you something about him though," Jake asked in a serious tone. "Is he going to come after any of us? Is he going to go after sis or her friends?"

"Nope," Alistair answered. "He has no beef with you guys. He had beef with Wolf Keum and Jared Sun, but not your group,"


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