Jake's Nightmare

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"Hey Jake, Kenny!" [Your Name] called to her brothers. "It turns out that you were right! Vampire Boy and I did end up dating! Oh, and I learned what his real name is. Damien really was an alias,"

"Where is he?" Jake picked up a metal baseball bat. "I want to know which motherfucker thinks he's good enough for my sister,"

"Jake!" Kenny scolded.

"I won't kill him," Jake claimed. "I'll just brutally beat him up. If he can't even put up a fight, how will I know if he'll protect [Your Name] during a dangerous situation or if he'd just ditch her to save his own skin?"

"My boyfriend is very strong!" [Your Name] smiled and walked around the corner. "Come on babe! Come and meet your future brother-in-laws!"

The person who appeared around the corner was none other than Donald Na.

"Jake, Kenny, this is my boyfriend, Donald Na the Cheesy Vampire!" To emphasize her point, she kissed Donald Na on the lips. When they separated, [Your Name] turned to Jake and Kenny once more. "By the way, you two are going to be uncles!"


Jake woke up with a loud gasp. His palms and forehead were sweaty and large droplets ran down his face. He took short, rapid breaths and gripped at his chest. "What the fuck was that!?"

"Jake, you alright?" Dean asked.

"I had the worst nightmare ever!" Jake stood up and walked over to the kitchen.

"You always say that," Dean yawned but followed Jake to the kitchen. 

"This is different," Jake filled a glass with water and chugged it down. "I had a nightmare that [Your Name]'s boyfriend was Donald fucking Na! And she was pregnant!"

Dean stared at him. "You're overthinking it bro. [Your Name] isn't friends with Donald Na. He doesn't do anything without reasons. The Scarlet Devil isn't even in the top ten so why would he pay attention to her much less date her?"

"B-But Vampire Boy goes to Yeo-Il High School!" Jake whipped out his phone. "And there are rumors that Donald Na has a girlfriend!"

"Those are just baseless rumors without evidence," Dean sighed. "How about we just go with her when she meets up with this 'Damien' guy? That way you'll be able to confirm that it is not Donald Na,"

"You, Timmy, and I are going to follow [Your Name] to Yeo-Il," Jake nodded. "But we're not telling her. She might have her friend avoid us,"

'Of course she would. You keep threatening to beat her friend up,'


Your POV

After school, you noticed that there was someone following you. Well, three someones following you. Although you couldn't completely see them, you knew that they were Jake, Dean, and Timmy. 'They must really want to see Vampire Boy,' You just shook your head and continued your way. 'I know that they'll inevitably meet one day, but I wanted to wait until he cools down and stop shipping us together,'

You made your way to Yeo-Il High School and waited at the gates as students left their educational prison. 'That's weird, he's usually one of the first ones out,'

One of the upperclassmen made his way over to you. "Hey, you single?"

You glared at him. "Maybe I am. Maybe I'm not. It's none of your business," 'If Vampire Boy had came out here already, I wouldn't have to deal with this prick,'

"Yeo-Il is an elite school. People work their asses off to get in. Why don't you—"

"Why don't you fuck off?" You interrupted him. "I'm not interested in you. I'm just waiting for a friend," 'Where's Vampire Boy?'

"Hey, you're trash from that shit school Eunjang! You should be grateful that someone like me is—"

"You're in my way," A familiar voice interrupted.

"Which fu—" The upperclassman froze as he caught sight of the red haired boy. He quickly walked away.

You recognized the guy as Vampire Boy's servant. "Thanks. By the way, I don't believe I got your name?"

Third Person POV

'Should I tell her my real name?' Kingsley thought. 'She doesn't know Donald's real name. I think it's safer to use an alias in case Donald wants to still keep her in the dark,' "Kyle. My name is Kyle,"

"Any idea where the vampire is?" 

"D-Damien is sick," 'Lovesick,' "So he didn't come to school today,"

"Oh," She seemed very disappointed. "Can you text me his address? I'll bring his favorite cheesecake over after work,"

"Sure," Kingsley exchanged numbers with her. "Your other friend, the alligator, came to class,"

"He's not my friend," [Your Name] denied as she left to head to work.

Meanwhile, Jake, Dean, and Timmy were staring at the now empty gate. "Was that Kingsley Kwan?" They had been too far away to hear their conversation but could clearly see the spectacled teen. 

"Maybe he was telling her to scram?" Timmy reasoned. "She did seem disappointed when she left,"

"Or maybe Kingsley is Vampire Boy!" Jake theorized. "Vampires typically have the aristocratic look and with his neat hair and glasses, Kingsley could pass off as a vampire?"

"He's not pale enough," Dean pointed out. "Jake, we came here and confirmed that her friend isn't Donald Na. If it were Donald Na, Kingsley would have brought her to him,"

"Okay, you have a point," Jake gave up. 'Manga must really be influencing my life. That'd be a huge plot twist if my boss dates my sister. But this is real life, not fiction,' "Hey, before we head back, why don't we pay that bastard who hit on my sister a visit?"

Dean and Timmy knew that there was no way to talk Jake out of this one.

So the Otaku Boys are convinced that Vampire Boy isn't Donald Na. 

Here's a sneak peak of the cover for my upcoming Wolf Keum X Donald Na's Sister fanfic. I might add more to the background, but I'm not sure. The title will be Hidden Gems. I am still working on the first chapter.

 I am still working on the first chapter

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