The Plan Was to NOT Make Friends

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Make the plan: You weren't going to make any friends at school.

Execute the plan: You were doing pretty well with not interacting with the other students. There weren't many group projects and you didn't try to approach any other students.

Expect the plan to go off the rails: Wait, what?

You stared at the boy who had approached your desk. It had been a week, but you had noticed that someone was staring at you throughout each class. At first, you thought it was just because you were a new student. But after an entire week, most people had since stopped staring but you still felt a pair of eyes focused on you during all classes.

The culprit was this boy standing right in front of you with crutches. The boy had red-brown hair that reached his shoulders with bangs that covered his forehead. His eyes were orange-brown.

'I don't sense any hostility, so he's not looking for a fight,' "Yes? Can I help you?"

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'I don't sense any hostility, so he's not looking for a fight,' "Yes? Can I help you?"

"Hi there," He greeted. 

"Hello," You awkwardly greeted back.

"You're not giving it your all in your grades," He said. "You can get a higher grade, but you're not doing it,"

'Does he actually know or is he just guessing?' "Excuse me?"

"I know because I'm doing the same thing. I can become first in the class if I want,"

"And I should care...why?" You tried to not sound mean, but your question could've been phrased better to not sound as rude.

"I'm wondering why you don't want to be first in class," 

"I don't want any attention," You told him flatly. "As long as I pass this class, I don't need high grades. Besides, I don't want anyone coming to me to ask for help,"

"Since we're both lonely, why don't we be friends?"

"I don't need friends," You immediately rejected him. "I don't want any friends. And what do you mean you don't have any friends? You get along well with other people,"

"I get along well with everyone, but I'm not close enough to them to call them my friend,"

"Don't you have any friends from middle school?" You asked.

"I was in a coma," His voice was quieter and a bit strained. His face became saddened but he tried to hide it. "I don't know the exact details, but I woke up towards the end of last school year. I...don't remember anything. I don't remember any of my friends, if I had any. I don't even have any memories of my guardians,"

"Are you trying to get me to accept your offer of friendship out of pity?" You questioned bluntly. 

"No! No!" He shook his head. "I want to genuinely be your friend,"

Throw away the plan: ...

'Should I?' You thought. 'Donald, Jake, Dean, and Timmy betrayed me. But Ben, Alex, Eugene, Gray, Rowan, Broccoli, and Kitty didn't. I've met more people that haven't betrayed me than those that did. I guess I can be friends with this guy, at least until the end of the school year. Once the school year ends, we'll both have a completely different schedule and he'll probably find other friends,' "Fine, we can be friends, but who are you?"

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't introduce myself," He smiled. "I'm Stephen Ahn,"

"Ahn? You're Korean?"

"Yeah," He answered. "From the snippets of the conversations that I overheard, I lived in Korea until an incident put me in a comatose state. I was moved to a hospital here in the US because there were more treatment options,"

"Your parents never mentioned any of your friends?"

"No. I know I had at least one, since I have this very fuzzy memory of being with someone my age, but they don't want to talk about him. They're acting as if he never existed. I...I think whoever my friend was, they blamed him for my injuries,"

"No phone number or email you could contact him?"

"My phone was completely destroyed in the incident,"

"I actually lived in Korea for a bit before moving back to the US," You told him. "I could get my friends over there to ask around,"

"South Korea is 38,691 square miles," Stephen pointed out. "It's a large place and no offense, but you have enough friends to ask around the entire country,"

'Well, not enough friends, but I can hire some people.,' "I can at least research about the incident. Your name's probably not in any articles since you're a minor though,"

"I don't know anything about the incident," He claimed. "They didn't want me to remember such a traumatic event,"

'Since I'm not being assigned any missions for the rest of the school year, I have a lot of free time,' "We can try doing some activities to help you remember some parts of your past. Are you free after school?"


"Hey Alistair, I made a friend," You told the alligator during lunch that day. "This is Stephen Ahn,"

"Hi," Stephen greeted.

Alistair stared at you. He then stared at Stephen. He then stared at you...and then at Stephen. 

'This bitch...' "No," You immediately told him since you knew what he was thinking.

"I never said anything!"

"Your expression said it all! You were building a ship for me and Stephen!"

"...I will neither deny nor accept that statement..." He shook Stephen's hand. "Nice to meet you. I'm Alistair Rei, [Your Name]'s friend since childhood,"

'It hasn't been that long since I broke up with Donald,' You thought. 'I still need time to heal,'

"Uhm..." Stephen asked. "What does a ship have to do with [Your Name] and me?"

"Oh, you are such an innocent child," Alistair snickered. 'It's not really an adult thing, but  it's funnier if I say this,'

Stephen woke up from his coma, but he needs crutches to walk and has amnesia. I've read stories where car accident causes amnesia and stories where getting hit in the head causes amnesia. So, I'm pretty sure if you survive falling off the building, which is several stories tall, you could end up with amnesia too. 
Please ignore my horrible drawing attempt of Stephen with slightly longer hair.

We are going to ignore the Donald-is-Stephen Theory if it ever somehow becomes canon. Donald's a year older than the Eungang, so this theory is most likely untrue, no matter how interesting it would be. I might write a story using the Donald-is-Stephen Theory but with Donald the same age as the Eungang. {Damn Plot Bunnies!]
We are going to ignore the canon version of Stephen waking up, if it ever happens.

The Four Rules of Planning are a quote from Leonard Snart.

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