Chapter 7 : Someone's Jealous

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Mikuo glanced away from his television to the source of the sound. His sister took off her shoes, "Hey, Mikuo. How's school going?"

"Out of all the subjects you could've thought of, you chose school? No offense or anything, but I would like to keep this conversation away until I start on my homework, please, " he teased.

Miku rolled her eyes, "Pfft. Whatever. Anyway, you hungry?"


"You sure?"


"You sure, you sure?"

He exasperatedly sighed, "Yes."

"You sure, you sure, you sure?"

"Oh my---okay fine! I'm hungry! There! I. Said. It!" He yelled frustratingly.

Miku snickered, "Alright, alright. Sheesh. I was just asking a simple question. All you had to say was 'yes' or 'no.' " she then proceeded into the kitchen, gathering materials for their dinner tonight. Her brother dramatically sighed again. Someday, when she comes home with a boyfriend, I'm going to ask him why he chose her.

He glanced at his t.v., then his games console, and that triggered his memory. "Oi! Miku!"


"Why didn't Rin go with you? She promised me we were going to battle over Call of Duty: Black Ops II."

Miku soon emerged from the kitchen and looked at him, confusion written all over her face. "What's that?" Oh yeah. She doesn't know what Call of Duty is. "It's a game," He replied, "me and Rin decided to head to the store and bought it. We didn't have enough money, so we combined our cash and payed for it. Since we also live in separate homes, I suggested to battle this out on Mortal Kombat."

Did she get it? Or is she that dense? Nah, I think it's because she's...Girly. He cringed mentally at that forbidden word. We would be able to hang out and do fun activities. Like sports, playing video games, initiating pranks on our beloved friends. Why couldn't she be a tomboy like Rin? Despite the bow, of course.

It took the tealette quite a while to process the information given to her. She made a sound, signaling that she got the idea. After the mention of her best friend's name, she decided to tell her idiotic (not academically, of course) sibling the event that crossed paths with her earlier today.

"Hey, Mikuo," she sprinted to jump on their couch. He stared, waiting for her to continue. When she didn't, he responded instead, "What?"

"Well, something happened to Rin today. That's why she didn't walk home with me today and proceed with your battle on Call of poody? Whatever it is called."

Panic filled his mind. Something happened to my Rin? Wait, why did I call her mine? She doesn't belong to me.

"What?" He bluntly responded. "Hmm? Oh yeah, the story. Well, she received..." She stopped shortly, adding a dramatic effect. Mikuo was getting impatient. Imaginary steam was furiously blasting out of his own ears.

"Can you just get on with it!" He snapped, flailing his lean arms everywhere possible. Even close to hitting his own sister. "Hey! Watch it!" She grabbed onto his flying limbs to stop them. "Since you're so eager to hear it, Rin received a love letter!" She squealed, "Isn't that awesome?!"

Mikuo froze in his spot. Love letter? To Rin? The school's resident tomboy? The girl who cringes at the word 'make-up?' The girl who cried and begged for five days straight about how she has to wear a skirt to school and not pants or shorts? How does this make sense? No offense but, why her?

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