Chapter 8: Confrontation Part 2

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"We need to talk...about something important." He was sweating at this point. The fact that he was taller than her, resulting the blonde looking up with her huge cerulean orbs piercing through his head, was making him nervous than he already was.

"Miku...told me about the l-love letter that you r-received yesterday," he stuttered. Rin froze, her eyes growing wider and wider each second. What? Why would Miku tell him that? Great. This was the one subject that I didn't want to talk about with Mikuo.

"Umm...uh," her brain couldn't form words. Nothing came out. Silence filled the hallway as they gazed somewhere that weren't each other. Awkwardness engulfing them, suffocating themselves in the process.

"S-she did? W-well I guess the secret is out, huh? Ehehehe," she laughed nervously. Rin tried to break the rising tensions between the two by conversing, but that didn't work as Mikuo was sorting out his emotions. The blonde shut her mouth and stayed silent, possibly waiting for a response from her secret crush.

Rin started liking him once they got to know each other. Although they became great buddies, both had a horrible first impression of each other when the met.


Miku came home with Rin following behind. Mikuo was coincidentally at home doing what any other normal teenage boy would do. The best friends' walked through the door and into her house to work on their science project. Once they came in, on the other hand, a surprise was waiting for them.

Miku's brother was on the couch watching television eating potato chips. Plus, his foot, which still had shoeshine them, were placed on the coffee table alongside his cup of soda. Miku was about to have a tantrum, especially with a red face, before he finally calmed down and spoke maturely, "Mikuo," she started. Her brother side glanced at her, "What?" He replied rudely before going back to watch his program.

Imaginary steam blew from her ears as she thinned her lips into a straight line. "Once you're done, clean up your mess so there won't be cockroaches *she cringed* in this house. I don't want to see those disgusting creatures especially since I also have to live with you." She stated through gritted teeth. Unfortunately, he didn't listen and decided to annoy her even more, "So? Its not like I care. If you want me to do it, say it in a different way."

"Clean up this mess before I go over there and punish you." She growls. Rin stayed silent the whole time in the sibling's argument. Standing behind her best friend was the right thing to do instead of getting into their business. While in her own world, she didn't notice that Miku told her to follow inside and to her bedroom. Their argument was over so Rin obliged.

When the sibling's were bickering, the blonde took some mental notes on the tealette's brother. He seems like a snob. Wait. Or was it slob? Oh, who cares. I came here to work on science, not English. Mikuo, was it?, seemed like someone that came from a lab-experiment-gone-wrong kind of thing. He's annoying, obnoxious, and rude. I feel bad for Miku when she has to come home from school living with that.

"What a douche," Miku muttered, loud enough for her brother to hear. "I know right. What an idiot," Rin subconsciously replied. They both laughed and proceeded to walk to Miku's room. Mikuo heard all of it, though. He rolled his eyes, "What a brat. My sister brings her friend home and she's the same as her," he scoffed, "typical." He then travels his eyes back to the television and decides to play video games.

He grabs his controller and turns on his game console. He switches the channel and sees his Xbox360 starting up. Searching through the cabinets, he finds what he's looking for. Opening the case, he gently takes the CD out and carefully places it on the CD tray, not taking the risk of scratching the game. With a press of a few buttons, he's on the Mortal Kombat menu screen. Looking through the characters, he starts the tournament.

In the midst of battling, Rin comes down from the stairs to get a drink from the fridge. Before going to the kitchen, she notices Mikuo's T.V. screen. She immediately recognizes the graphics and walks to the couch, leaning on it with her elbows and watches him play. Him being oblivious to the blonde's actions, continues pressing on buttons.

Sweat trickles down his forehead as the last match is beginning. Beating the boss was hard and he fully concentrates on remembering the instructions to get the combos correct. Rin silently chuckles at his failed attempts and provides him with advice, "Just pause and look at the moves. It'll help considering how you're playing."

Mikuo jumps up from the sudden voice. He paused the game and gazes behind him. "What do you want?" He replies coolly. He was so not ready to talk to her, reminding him of the memory earlier with their encounter. She repeats what she says and demonstrates it for him.

She fights against the boss after Mikuo fails. She does her strategy and claims victory. They high-five each other and grin widely. What they didn't know was that there was an angry Miku behind them. The notice the sudden dark aura and slowly turn around. They freeze on the spot at the sight.

There stands Miku with a cold glare, crossing her arms while tapping impatiently on the floor with her right foot.

"Oh. H-hey, Miku. W-what are you d-doing here?" Rin rubs the back of her neck, chuckling nervously. The tealette's anger deepens and so does her glare. Mikuo and Rin gulp and waits for the outburst of a tempered Miku.

A few minutes later...

"Do you know how long I have waited?! Huh?!" Miku yelled at the duo who were now on their knees, head down in shame. "I come down the stairs to check up on you and what do I see? My best friend hanging out with my brother playing. Video. Games! I specifically told you that the project was due Friday and today's Wednesday! We haven't even started on the board and you're here goofing off? Especially when you told me that you would 100% work on it with me?! Unbelievable!" Miku's chest heaved up and down from the intense lecture, but she's not done. Oh, no. She was just starting.

"We're sorry." They apologized in unison. "Sorry? Sorry?! 'Sorry' isn't going to bring back the time that we've wasted! I can't believe you two!" She rubbed her temples, a massive headache occurring. Looking down at the duo, she sighed, "whatever. I made dinner so bring your sorry butts to the dining table and eat. I made chicken with mashed potatoes on the side."

They snapped their heads up and sprint towards the dining room. Yells of 'whoo!' and 'yeah!' were heard. Miku sighed again, "Un-responsible, annoying, mischievous brats." She proceeds on walking to the table with two teens gnawing and clawing at the sight of food. "But, I love them anyway."

A crash was heard.

"He did it!"
"She did it!"

They yelled in unison while pointing an accusing finger towards each other.

"Okay. Maybe not."

There's about to be a orange-loving tomboy and a video-game-obsessed idiot dead in 3...





And that's how we met and became buddies.

The End.


Whew! When I wrote this, it didn't seem long. But was it? Eh, who cares.

I pray that you enjoyed reading this (LONG?) chapter. I'll update next Saturday like always and I'll see you soon! :) :D

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