Chapter 6 : Rin Recieves a Love Letter?!

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"Yo!" Rin turned around to see who it was, recognizing his voice immediately.

Mikuo ran up to her, "Hey. Still up for our battle later?" He smirks. The blonde holds up a fist, "You know it!" They initiated their 'super secret' handshake that everyone obviously knows, especially Miku.

Speaking of the devil, she ran up to them. A hug was given to Rin before she even noticed. "Miku! Can't. *wheeze* Breathe!" The tealette releases her. She mumbles an apology before embracing her brother as well.

"Okay. Let's get to class." Rin interferes into their sibling hug. Mikuo chuckles, "alright, alright. See you later, alligator!" He ran off and disappeared into the school building.

The blonde turned to Miku to see her smirking. She tilts her head in confusion. "Rin~" the tealette starts cooing, "You like my brother, don't you?" The tomboy flushes and transforms into a stuttering mess. Miku advances towards her, trapping her best friend from her intense staring. Rin finally snaps out of it and smacks her friend's arm.

Miku jumps away, rubbing her upper arm, "Ow~! I was just joking!" Her lips pouted. Rin giggled, "I'm sorry~! Will you ever forgive me~?" The blonde gave her best cutesy voice, which she despised so much. Miku flinched. She hated that personality of hers, "Apology accepted. Now please promise to never use that tone on me ever again." She points an accusing finger, "I mean it."

Rin laughs, "Of course, your majesty." She bows. "Now c'mon. Let's get to our classroom. Wouldn't want Meiko to be disappointed now, huh?" Miku giggles and begins walking side by side with the tomboy.

What they didn't know was that there were a pair of eyes gazing at the duo in the shadows (well pretty much behind a tree, but let's just move on).


"Okay, that's a wrap!" Coach Al shouted after blowing his annoying whistle. The students stopped their activities and headed to the changing room, ready to leave school since it was their last period of the day.

"Whew! That was a great work out! Right, Miku?" Rin glanced down at her best friend, practically wheezing at this point. She was on her knees, bent over with the support of her arms. Sweat dripped down the sides of her head as her chest was heaving, grabbing as much oxygen into her dry, dehydrated lungs.

She muttered a "yeah" before pulling herself up. Almost tripping, because her legs gave into the exhaustion, until Rin brung her arms around her waist, preventing her from falling face first onto the gym floor. The blonde supported her by placing her arm around the tealette's shoulder, walking to the changing room carefully.

Once they arrived, Miku's limbs were feeling better. She thanked Rin and speed walked to their shared lockers. "Hey, Miku! Wait up!" The blonde was limping a little bit. Her muscles were sore from all the exercise they've been doing, including having to carry a certain tealette across the gym.

"Well, hurry up, slowpoke!"

"I had to carry all of your weight on my shoulder and this is how you thank me?!"

"I already did, pretty much a few seconds ago~"

"Argh! Miku!"

The tealette laughed at her friend's "misery." Of course, it was short lived as she saw a male at their cubbies.What? Boys aren't allowed in here. He grabbed something from his dark colored hoodie. A light yellow envelope was shoved into one of the vents on top of the lockers.

A/N : You know those little air openings on the upper part of the lockers? Yeah, that's what "the vents on top of the lockers" means. Sorry if it confused you. Please continue~

His hood trudged down a bit, revealing blonde hair. Miku gasped. Is that Len? Why would he be in the girls' changing room? Before her mind could process her actions, she yelled out, "Hey!" The figure was startled and immediately ran without looking back. She went to chase him down, but regretted it once she felt a little bit of pain down on the heels of her feet.

Rin came up behind her, confused, "Why'd you shout 'Hey'?" She asked, poking her shoulder when no response was heard. Miku got out of her pained filled trance and gazed up at her. "I just saw someone go to our lockers and shoved an envelope inside it." The tomboy blinked once. Twice. Thrice.

"What?" She bluntly asked. Miku sighed and turned to their locker. She twists the lock back and forth. 5...12...23...she speaks in her mind. A 'click' was heard, she gripped the handle and opened it. A letter dropped down. She grasped the envelope before shoving it in front of her dumb best friend's face.

"See? It's a letter! There's a heart shaped sticker that seals it."

"Okay... What does it have to do with me, though?"

"The color is yellowish so I'm guessing it is given to you!"

"Well it could be yours-"

"It also has your name written on it in beautiful cursive handwriting." She bluntly retorts.

"Alright, alright." She snatched the envelope from her hands and unsealed it. A paper folded into three was tucked inside. She took it out and scrolled her eyes through the letter.

Dear Rin,

I'm going to go on with it and say that I like you.
Adore you.
Love you.
Ever since I took a glance at your direction, I fell for you immediately.
I love everything about you.
The way your cerulean eyes sparkled in mischief when pulling a prank on your friends.
The way your laughs sound melodious when a funny joke was told to you.
The way you eat oranges happily, like they were that delicious.
The way your smile brightens up anyones day.
A true angel that fell from the sky.
Winning a pageant just from smiling like the way you always do.
A personality that the whole entire female population would feel envious of:
Cheerful, cunning, cute, sporty, mischievous, caring, and many other characteristics.
You truly are an amazing human being ever to walk on this planet.

"Love, your secret admirer..." Rin finished. Her body frozen at what she had just read. Is this some cruel joke? A punishment from god for presenting all those pranks? While being lost in her own little world, Miku was a squealing mess.

"Oh. Em. Gee! A love letter to Rin, my best friend! Although I'm jealous right now, I'm happy that you got one! Kyah~!" She kept going on and on until Rin shoved her palm onto her mouth, completely covering it.
"Hey! That's a little rude you know!" Miku grabbed the blonde's hand away, pouting while crossing her arms over her chest.

When she didn't here a response, she waved a hand in front of the tomboy's face. "Hello? Earth to Rin?" The mentioned female snapped out of her little daze and glance at the tealette. "Something wrong, Rin?" Her voice filled with concern.

The blonde shook her head, "S'nothing, Miku. Don't worry about me. I'm fine...well, before I got this letter." She gestured towards the piece of paper. In a matter of seconds, Miku was back into the state of a squealing high school girl who just got asked out by her crush.

Rin deeply sighed, "great. Something I won't hear the end of." She mutters. She peeked down at the paper in her grasp thinking,

'Who on earth would give her a love letter? Rin, the resident tomboy of the whole school. She was unladylike, mischievous, tomboyish, despite the big white bow plopped up on her head, and most of all, annoying. Of course she can be cute but...she just doesn't understand. Why her, of every girl in this school?'


OMG! Rin gets a love letter? :P

I hope you like this update. I'm sincerely very sorry I couldn't publish a chapter for this. Last week, I dphad to stay home for a few days because I was sick. Homework was being piled up on top of another and another. It was hard catching up on school so I had to take a little break.

Now you might be saying, "but how come you posted a chapter for 'Broken Promise?' Well, I really wanted to finish that story, so I rushed on getting it done.

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