Chapter 3 : Late Student

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"Okay, class. Since we don't have a lot of students in this classroom, mostly because this is where students who passed their final exam, before going here, with an A. To be honest, I'm surprised you're here, Rin. Especially since you don't like studying." Meiko announced. "What?! I did study! Miku helped me for a few weeks because I literally begged her to." Rin protested.

"It's true. I was really surprised at first when she begged me to help her. But putting my confusion aside, I gladly accepted because she wanted to pass the final exam and go to the same school as me." Miku added. "Wow. She seems like a really great friend." SeeU says. "Sure. If you call someone who video tapes you while you're crying and 'borrows' your stuff without returning it, a friend, then yes, she is a really great friend." Miku jokes with a hint of seriousness in it.

"Please. You know I'm the bestest friend you've ever met, " Rin scoffed, a grin plastered on her face. "And besides, I don't just video tape you crying, I post it on YouTube. " The whole class stares at her. Miku lightly slaps her arm. "Rin! Why would you post it on YouTube?!" Rin didn't pay attention because she rubs her slapped arm and mumbles an 'ow.' "Oh please. Stop being over dramatic." Miku jokes. "I barely even hit it."

Rin looks at her and she pouts. "Well you wouldn't know how much it hurts until you experience it. And another thing, why am I the one who gets hit by her best friend?" Rin asks. "Because I'm more stronger. And more mature. Oh! And taller." Miku replies with a cocky grin.

"YOU'RE the STRONGER one? Seriously? Who's the person who always fails gym with an F? Who's the person who cries when her parents lecture her about something or a mistake that she had done? And who's the person who says she wants to be shorter to look cuter?" Rin argues back, also with a grin on her face.

Miku was dumbfounded. All those things were true. "Uh...Um...I...I-I..." She stutters. Rin waits patiently for her best friend to answer. Truthfully, Rin was feeling a little bit guilty for all those things she had said. On the inside, Miku couldn't comprehend all those things she had heard.

'Why would Rin just blurt all that out in front of our peers? Our classmates? Our teacher? Well, Meiko already knows this stuff so I guess no point in mentioning her but, in front of SeeU, Gumi, Neru, despite how she never cares about anything but that phone, and Teto? That's a whole different story.

While Rin and Miku were thinking in LaLaLa Land, Teto, Gumi, SeeU, and Neru had there ears in gear while hearing their whole conversation. Meiko just sweat dropped along with Kaito as they looked upon their not yet grown students. Before all that happened, Kaito was discussing with Meiko about what activities they should make their students do to spice things up a bit.

While planning things out, both of their hands would lightly brush against each other and they would blush while looking down. The atmosphere was a little awkward but not too much. It was nothing compared to Sunday when they went to church together. (A/N: that's right. Vocaloids go to church :P no, just kidding. I really don't know what they do in their free time besides sing, record some songs or something like that.)

It was Meiko's first time going to church since she has so many duties and paperwork to catch up on that she had no time. On that very day, before they had to say their prayers, Kaito debated on whether to hold her left hand because it was something required to do when saying that specific prayer. Kaito had so little time that he just went with it and made a bold move to hold his secret crush's hand.

Meiko was shocked at first, but on the inside, her heart jumped around, her stomach was tied in big knots, and heat crept up her cheeks, making her blush more than she already was. Once Kaito asked her if she was free on Sunday, Meiko was so happy, she was going to burst from all the excitement. Of course, she kept her cool. "Sure. That would be great." "Awesome! I'll pick you up at 5:00 pm. Oh. And you could wear casual, formal, or anything as long as you don't go naked." Kaito joked. Meiko giggled.

Kaito admired everything about Meiko. Her laugh, her hair, smile, style, and anything and everything that involves Meiko Sakine. His crush on her has lasted for about two years now. This year, it will be the third. The bell rung after a minute or two.

Knock. Knock. Meiko looked up from her paperwork. "Hmm. Someone's at the door it seems." Meiko says to Kaito. "Yeah. That person probably got lost trying to find the classroom." Kaito replies and then walks to the door to open it.

Miku and Rin discontinued their argument and looked at the door. Gumi didn't look up because she was absorbed in her book. Same with Neru, except it is her phone and she's texting. SeeU didn't look because she was trying to organize her school supplies. Teto was just...sleeping.

Kaito opened the door and a boy appeared. "Oh. Hello. Are you in this class?" Kaito asked the student. "Yeah. I'm sorry for being late. I was being held back by my friends." The boy answered back. Kaito made a hand gesture for him to come in the room.

"Miku, Rin, Gumi, Neru, and SeeU, look at the front of the room please." Kaito announced. The said students stared at him and the to the new student. "Please introduce yourself to everyone as punishment for being late to class, please." Kaito told the boy. He nodded, "Hi, my name is Len. I hope you can guide and help through learning about this school." Len bowed.

"Okay. Girls, please introduce yourselves." Kaito asked the four students. "Sup. I'm Rin." Miku was just staring at Len. She was amazed by how he was so handsome. His face was. Was just. Perfect. She admired how he, a boy, would have his golden blonde hair in a small ponytail. Miku didn't notice she was staring until Rin nudged her in the ribs with her sharp elbow.

"Ow. Rin, that hurt." Miku whined. "It isn't my fault you were staring. Anyways, introduce yourself to him." Rin replied.

Miku blushed. Realizing that he was still there. "Oh...right. Hehehe..." She scratches her flushed cheek with her pointer finger. "Hi. I'm M-miku. N-nice to m-meet you." Len genuinely smiles at her. 'She's cute' Len thinks. Neru's turn was next. "Hi. TTYL" She glances up, flashes a small smile, and goes back to her amber colored cell phone.

A/N: I'm guessing amber is a yellowish color. I got it from fanfics I've read from Hinamori Amu in Shugo Chara. :3 of course, I still didn't finish the series. I'm on the third season, but I lost track of what episode I'm on. :/ Let me know in the comment section if you've watched it. If you haven't, I recommend it.

SeeU scoffed, "Please don't mind her rudeness. Anyways, hello. I'm SeeU." She sticks out her hands. Len gladly takes the offer to shake it. "I'm Gumi." She sends a small wave before focusing on her book.

"Len." Meiko starts, "please choose a seat you would like." She finishes with a smile. Len nods and chooses a desk a seat away from Miku's. Rin turns to Miku and whispers, "Why do I have this sudden feeling that he's my brother. Maybe even twins. Oh! I should ask him about it." Before Miku could protest, Rin was already walking to the blonde.

"Hey, Len," Rin started, "Have you ever noticed that we look alike somehow?" Len looked up, "Hmm. I guess so we have the same eyes, hair color, and we have short hair." "Yep. Except for the fact that we are different genders. For example, I'm a girl, you're a boy." "Yeah. We also have" Len replies with a light blush. "Mmhm. I have breasts, well, kind of, " She looks down at her chest with faint disappointment before looking back up and continuing, "And you have-" before she could continue, small hands covered her mouth.

"Ehehehe." Miku laughs nervously, "Please don't mind anything she had just said a few seconds ago." The tealette drags her best friend away after saying her last few words to Len.


Slow update. I. Don't. Deserve. Readers. Like. You. *sighs* I'm sorry. This is the day before my 1st period exams. On Thursday, my 2nd, 3rd, and 4th period final exams, and then my 5th, 6th, and 7th. On Winter/Holiday/Christmas Break is when I'll update as frequently as possible. Anyways, Wish you an early Merry Christmas. :DDD

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