*Bonus Chapter* Final Exams

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"Why do I even bother?" Miku rubbed her temples as she tried to erase the memory from her brain moments ago. They were currently at her house, specifically her bedroom, to study for the exams coming up and they haven't been making progress at all.

Rin and Mikuo both suggested this idea once they heard that the others were going to a pretty high-tech university so they promised to study hard and pass. Turns out, they broke it once the tealette's father bought them a new game console for a late birthday present.

Len, Miku, Meiko, Kaito, Gakupo, and Luka were currently in the living room going over their notes and flipping through books silently, but a sound of gunfire broke it. They panicked and thought it was real, so they tiptoed down the stairs to check it out.

Miku, Meiko, and Gakupo were trembling on the way. Len, Kaito, and Luka were ahead of them. Fear coursed through their veins. Possible events flooded their minds as what could have happened. A burglar, raper, thief, and anything.

That was until they saw the television on.

Rin and Mikuo were on the couch, controllers in their possession, and playing the new game Mr. Hatsune (Or Miku's dad. Whichever you prefer) bought. Miku stepped in front of Len and in a split second, she narrowed them at the sight.

Mikuo noticed an intense stare directed at him and he knew it all too well. He slowly turned his head only to flick it back. He tapped Rin on the shoulder but she didn't respond. A few more times and still nothing. Finally, he decided to shake her furiously, bringing her out of her daze.

Although, she wasn't too happy at the interruption. Especially when she was in her 'Gaming Zone'.

"Wha-" she was about to hell at Mikuo until her eyes landed on his sister. Miku was currently fuming with a red face, which to Len was adorable, and imaginary smoke blew out of her ears. The troublesome duo on the couch gulped and turned towards each other, praying to God in their minds to save them from this beat down.

|~The Week After Final Exams~|

"Miku. Sweetie, calm down." Meiko tried reasoning with the tealette for a few minutes to not worry about the results, but failed. Miku kept pacing back and forth around the room mumbling incoherent things.

Ever since they finished testing, the others were nervous about how they did, but Miku was even more. She studied her notes and textbook all night and it caused her to be drowsy. She substituted a good breakfast for a piece of toast because she was close to being tardy.

When she entered the classroom, her classmates gasped at her state; bags under her eyes, wrinkled uniform, messed up hair, and most of all, her slouched form. Everyone knew that Miku was poised and proper when she wanted to be and it meant no slouches whatsoever.

That's why student called her a princess for her posture and grace as she roamed the halls. Her beautiful teal hair rested on her shoulders and her bangs delicately placed on top of her forehead. An ironed uniform with a good scent with it gave people an image of a queen.

Even Len admitted to such a thing, even when he first set his eyes on her during his first day. He practically had fantasies (Not the dirty ones for you perverts out there xD) of her for the past few weeks. Miku Hatsune was his dream girl and he finally made her his.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Kaito snapped his head towards the door and turns to Meiko. She notices and nods. He quickly stood up from his chair and approached the door. He opened it and there was the principal. He currently had 9 envelopes in his possession and handed them to Kaito, "These are the results for your students. I'm anticipating that they've done good." He smiled and then walked back to his office.

Meiko came up behind him and looked over his shoulder, "What did the principal say? Did our whole class pass?" She questions, a tint of nervousness in her tone.

Rin & Gumi-"Are those the results?!"

Len, Gakupo & Luka-"Did we fail?!"

Miku-"More importantly, did I fail?!

Neru-*Texting on her new iPhone6*


Teto-*Nibbling on the tip of a baguette*

Meiko and Kaito began handing out the envelopes and the students grabbed it nervously, well, except SeeU. Rin opened her the fastest and pumped a fist in the air, a "Whoo!" added to it, "I passed! I'm moving on to college with a scholarship!"

"Me too!" Yelled Luka.
"Me three!"
"Me four!"
"Me five!"
"Me-" before Teto could finish, Miku interrupted her, "Would you please be quiet?! We all know you passed!"

Meiko walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder, "Miku, is everything alright?" It took a while before she responded, "No. I failed the test," she mumbled, tears prickling from her eyes. Len felt a sad aroma coming from her and embraced her petite frame. Miku felt somewhat relaxed, but not much.

"You failed the exam?" Rin questioned softly, holding both her hands.

"Yeah." At that, shocked gasps filled the room.

"I knew I shouldn't have studied for that stupid test," Miku chuckled bitterly, "I wasted my time and effort on that one test and this is what happens to me." She felt Len's arms tightening around her. She turned her head and gave a small reassuring smile to him.

"It's okay, Miku. VocaUniversity is an idiot for not noticing your talent." Gumi patted her shoulder. "She's right. Don't let something like this take you down." Kaito reasons. "Yeah. We'll always be here to support you no matter what." Rin added.

Miku smiled, "Thanks. You're all the best." All of them came into a group hug and stayed like that for a few seconds before breaking apart. Len still had his arms wrapped around her waist, but she didn't complain one bit.

Suddenly, a knock came by the door. The principal was there panting slightly. "Sorry for the interruption, " he apologized, "Is Miku Hatsune by any chance here? I've mistaken her letter with another student's."

Miku slowly emerged from the group and hesitantly raised her hand, "Hi, I'm Miku Hatsune. Did you perhaps say that my envelope was mixed up with someone else's?"

"Ah, yes. I'm sorry for that." He then placed the envelope in her hands as he took the other one. "This is actually yours." He turned and was about to go back to the front until he said, "Oh, and congratulations." He closed the door and then walked off into the hall.

Miku hastily opened her envelope and scanned through it. Her mood lifted up as excitement built up in her eyes by the second. The others gathered around her and finally saw why her spirits were lifted. The tealette squealed and jumped into Len's arms, which he welcomed eagerly.

"I passed! I passed!" Miku changed this as she jumped up and down. "What score did you get?" Meiko asked, laughing a little at her hyper state, something she developed from Rin.

"A 100! I got commended!" Miku shouted. Everyone heard it, of course, and began celebrating with her. Even SeeU who woke up from the intense high pitch of her squeal.


Yeah!!! Bonus chappie is done! Who's proud of me? Hmm? Admit it, you've all got to be when I just updated this.

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