Chapter 12: Confession

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"Thank you for the letters. I'm flattered, but...," she trails off before continuing, "I-I love s-someone else."

Len and Akaito's eyes grew at an amazing width, "What?" They asked in unison. "What?!" The red head continued, "How? How can you not fall in love with me yet?!" He gripped and pulled his locks of his hair in frustration.

"Do you know how long I stayed up to write those sappy poems and crap?! I wasted most of my free time on writing instead of hanging out with the guys! And now look at the result!" He was hyperventilating at this point, "I knew I shouldn't have agreed on doing this bet." He murmured, but Miku and Len heard it from the close proximity.

"What?" Miku asked, covering her mouth with her petite hands from shock. "I knew it." Len whispered under his breath but the tealette ignored it, "this was all fake? You did all this for a bet?!" Even though she didn't love him, or like him, as a matter of fact, she did feel a little heartbroken that the letters weren't true.

Tears strolled down her cheeks. It took a little moment before she approached him, her right hand raising. She slapped him. Hard. The sound echoing through the halls and silence overwhelmed them before Miku began shouting, "How cruel! You're the worst!"

Akaito brought his palm to his reddening cheek. He gritted his cheek before charging towards her, pulling back his fist ready to punch her. Before he made contact with her face, Len interfered and kicked him in the gut. He spit out blood from the impact and fell to the floor. "Don't. You. Dare. Touch her." He growled.

The red head began coughing crimson liquid on the tiles before Kaito came rushing from the corner. He stared wide eyed and Meiko came behind him. The male approached the scene and took his nephew with him to the nurses office. Before he dragged him, he glanced directly at Miku and Len, "Explain to me what happened after this situation is fixed, got it?"

The pair nodded frighteningly because Kaito had a serious expression on his face, which was rare considering he acts like a child most of the time. Meiko followed right after, "Are you both okay? We were worried because you took too long."

"Yeah. We're fine, Meiko." Miku answered.

"That's goo-" before she finished, she noticed a few cuts on Len's face. She immediately grabbed his head and inspected it. "Liar! You have bruises!" She morphed his handsome face while rubbing her palms all around, which made the tealette snicker.

Meiko bit her lips to suppress her giggling but it wasn't working. She bursted out laughing when Len pouted when she squished his cheeks together, turning him into a goldfish with hair. The blonde grinned a little also.

After a few good minutes, their teacher stopped and smiled, "Well, since Kaito took care of that, let's go back to the classroom. Rin nearly through a tantrum when her other best friend wasn't there."

"Really?" Miku asked, hiding her happy tone that Rin actually cares about her.

"Mmhmm. I had to call in Mikuo since they are close, but she began blushing for some reason...hmm...oh well. Not my problem. So, are we going or not?" Len was about to agree, but Miku interrupted him, "Yeah. I just need to talk to Len for a sec." Meiko nodded and skipped back to her classroom.

The tealette sighed heavily before she turned back to the blonde, "I need to tell you that okay?" He nodded and she took a deep breath. C'mon Miku. You can do this. Just confess and be done with it. You practiced and practiced and now is the time to do it...but...what if he rejects me? All the time I've spent on getting the perfect words and the correct moment to do it...will go down the drain.

Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale...

"I like you!"
"I like you."

They said in unison. Miku widened her eyes when she heard another voice. She looked up and finally noticed that he said it with her. "W-what?" She whispered softly, unable to comprehend that he would say those words to her.

He reached out his arms and pulled her in his embrace. She placed her palms on his chest and heard a rapid heartbeat. "I like you." He murmured. Heat crept to her cheeks and she blushed furiously. She buried her head into his chest, "As a friend or as a girlfriend?" She asked.

Len pecked her temple and responded, "As a girlfriend."

Miku smiled and hugged him back, "I like you, too."

His grip on her waist tightened, "I know." He whispered hotly in her ears, which caused her to shudder, "I've just been waiting to hear you say it more." Her face resembled a tomato at this point. She whined but it was muffled into his chest. He chuckled and he used his fingers to bring her chin up.

When they made eye contact, they both smiled and they leaned in. A centimeter more and their lips would touch but, their moment was interrupted when Rin was racing towards the pair. She hugged Miku from behind, so the impact made Miku's lips smash against Len's.

Their eyes widened and they immediately pulled away. Rin noticed and she smirked, "Aww~ New couple, ey? Huh, Miku? I didn't know you were going to confess to him today." She teased the tealette and both of them blushed.

"Mau~ Stop teasing, Rin." She smacked the blonde's arm, but she was unfazed from laughing. Len watched the scene in front of him and grinned. Miku pouted when Rin couldn't stop giggling so she grabbed her shoulders and shook her body back and forth rapidly. The blonde finally stopped and proceeded on walking back to the classroom, Miku following and so did Len.

When they arrived, Len grabbed Miku's arm and pulled her back before entering. He brought his lips to her own and Miku widened her eyes. A few seconds later, she melted and kissed him back. She pulled back and smiled warmly towards him. He did the same and stayed in their position. They held each other's hands before walking into the classroom.

Meiko glanced up and saw the them. "Hey, what took you so lo-" she stopped when she noticed their linked hands. And the fact that Len has a little bit of lipstick on his lips. She smirked, "Oh. What do we have here? You both confessed?"

They shared looks and nodded happily. Meiko took off her reading glasses, "Finally!" Miku stared confusedly at their teacher. Meiko seemed to notice and said, "Rin, and so did Luka after a while, told me that you liked Len and vise-versa, so we devised a plan to get you two together. Right, Rin?"

"Yep. Boy, was it hard. You two are seriously oblivious, huh? We came up with events that help, but you both took it as nothing!" Rin replied.

"And we got so frustrated that we thought about giving up. But then this happened and now our work is done." Luka added when she finally got out of Gakupo's embrace.

"So, that means we get to have another couple to tease until the end of the year!" The three yelled in unison.

Len and Miku stood frozen in their spots.

Great. Just when I got out of their non stop teasing when Gakupo and I hugged.

Why? Why, why, why, why, why does God hate me so much to let me experience this?

And they lived HAPPILY EVER AFTER~



Yay! This story is probably completed unless you want bonus chapters.

I totally forgot about the Valentine's Day gifts that Len was going to give to Miku, didn't I?

Oh well, I'm too lazy to write this all over again.

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