chapter 10

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After I ran off too the room which he had been reading I looked around the room for the book but I couldn't find it the at , safe place I had put the book.

However that really made me wonder then what the hell happened to it , can't have gone that far now could it. Unless I looked over to the fire place that sure enough now had a book burning in it. Oh for fucks sake that's just brilliant just what I need isn't it! There goes my proof completely gone into the drain none is going to believe me now.

Not even .. wait what I feel an almost gaze upon me, I turned to look at what it possibly could be it was one of the castles cats that had been missing for years. The long haired tabby Persian stared at me blankly for a second before talking as clear as day in English.

"You know it's not polite to stare idot humans why do you all have to be the godammed same?!"

"What the hell!?" I stumbled backwards in shock slightly .

"What never seen a familiar talk ? Who you where as dumb as your mother the first time she saw me !"

"Wait you're saying she was a witch? "

"What else , is your brain not functioning pay attention ! I see great potential considering your brother hasn't seemed to affect you like me you remember. You see I was minding my own business then bam the whole world froze. I saw the ridiculous, amount of deaths he caused including the death of my master."

"That still doesn't explain why you are talking to me though."

"Well , cause isn't it obvious"

"Not really."

"Princess I want you to be my new master I'll teach you the spell now hurry won't you I can't last for too long master less."

So this cat wants me to be It's master that's pretty cool I've never had a familiar before it would make sense though I do have a interest in the spirit realm.

"Okay what's the spell"

"It goes like this , "I here by accept this familiar as my sidekick for ever more until death does one of us apart. " And that's all princess."

I repeat the words the cat just taught me "I here by accept this familiar as my sidekick for ever more untill death does one of us apart."

That's how the spell works I think it's sort of a bonding thing it makes sense really as witches tend to have familiars well I'm not exactly a witch myself sure I know a few spells but other than that I believe magic leads to trouble it's always been like that here. There was alot more fighting earlier on due to the fact that my family had better grips over it, people trued to take it for themselves causing a civil war here. I only really know this because of the masses of books in the library this castle held.

"Can you follow me I have something to show you and my name is , Lapis."

"Well nice to know you're name but my mother said you were missing so I already knew that . Thanks though the idea is nice , and I'll follow"

Lapis runs off ahead I run after her , as she leads me through countless hallways until we reached the top of one of the castles towers, I turn the door to open the door of this tower and saw, a type of circle drawn in blood it seems to be following a book that is for dark magic and the candle is still lit meaning the spell is still active."what does this mean?!"

"That spell causes people to forget events and hide the truth of something like the fact that you're brother isn't supposed to be king that sort of thing also that is most likely vampire blood."

"You're saying it's Charles-"

As soon as I must have said that Lapis started meowing and gesturing to look behind me sure enough by the mention of his name he turned up I realized that I might have doomed myself.

The World Of Madness: Fallen royaltyWhere stories live. Discover now