Chapter 15

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(author  Chan here this is the last chapter for now! I'm so excited to continue the other books that are part of this series , I have it all planned out , but oh my it's a long way to go. Well enjoy ☺️)

I looked around at the strange place I had found myself in it was , surrounded by humans , with no sign of any magic around me. The town was greatly built up with houses made of wood and the others around me having the same sort of waist coat and jacket style.

There was plenty of horses and carts going along the road this did feel nice here however this was no home of mine, where is Dornabell where is anyone I don't remember the world going.

I take my watch out of my waist coat only to find a sealed letter I took it out confused, and put the watch back away.

I opened this peculiar and odd letter had  appeared it read "dear Charles , we invite you to the manor everyone will come in time even you, look out for the place in 2100 when you see it you will know, this is your invitation here first you must get used to this place. It's different to your home , do not do magic or face the challenges that you will face, make sure too take what is in your pocket, once a day and do not get yourself caught. In this letter there is also 1000 pounds for your trouble." signed a "friend".

What on earth! God this is dumb  how am I expected to stay here with a load of dumbasses that's it you know what fine , I'll play along!

Walking down the streets I hear the crys and screams of the poor as they begged for help, the others simply looked at me and smiled saying "good day sir." I rather liked this attention.

"Good day to you too." I say to them as I walked past this place will do oh yes it's perfect my kind of city if I don't say so myself.

With money in pocket and only up to go. I followed where my feelings lead me. As this wasn't home it was somewhere, however this felt more like home now prohaps this universe can teach me more than I asked for.

There's only one thing missing dear Dornabell where is she oh, dear did she get hurt is she gone, no no surely not if I'm here then that means she is too. Eternity will be mine with her , I .. have to be well I don't but , she doesn't exactly like me either way , it's doomed from the very start. Doesn't stop me trying now does it?

I must have been walking for a great while , I'd learned that everyone here is respectful and kind. However it just seemed easy. With that in mind I went to go find a paper for a date. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw the date 1810 wonderful years before my date for this manor! I guess I'm stuck here.

I do hope none died , I wish my sister's where around to see this strange place we could have went around together , I guess I'll never know , it's the long road now , couldn't time just be over in an instant? No I guess not I'll find out someday. When? Who knows it will happen for now , I'll just live like the humans do maybe we will all cross paths again , the stars seem to think they will. That goes for everyone.

Who knows , that could be just a silly fairytale , that day will come , and just maybe I'll see her again until then it's an eternity.

Live my life until then that's not too hard is it? Of course not I just have to live 290 more years , no problem. Hehe of course it's not. Why would it be. My family , what's left is totally safe not like they could be in danger, not like that beautiful lady could be dead or something.

I'm worrying too much , just get on with my life that's what I did.

Until that fateful day in 2100 where they I saw it the manor it felt like it was the place definitely the place. Here I was , finally home at long last...?

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