chapter 8

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Walking Into this room I felt a sense of belonging I'd never felt this quite like it. The room looked very much like something out of place and very much styled much more older than the rest of the house it's self.

"I've been expecting you." He looked alot like me accept older and taller, and his eyes weren't strangely coloured, blonde hair was partly hiding one eye possibly to hide some grave secret that's usually the way with people like him of course he could just have tried to pull his own eye out or something along those lines.

The way he's looking at me is even stranger I don't know why he's looking like I'm some , young child that he's seeing for the first time. I just look on at him blankly before responding.

"Yes because every single little s*it actually cares about-What ! " I couldn't even curse here look , you might all think I don't but hey I do so deal with it. Normally it wouldn't have done that.

"Well Charles in this place there is no need to anger nor hate , how did you like that bottle you were given did it help you get your birthright"

"Look I don't know what you're talking about! ALL I WANT IS ANSWERS. Understand!how do you know my name?!"

"Yes about your new found power my child. I know it because I'm you're actual father."

"You , really think you're my father! Where, were you when I was stuck hmm?! He'll of you better have been ! You better explain your f*cking self! STOP DOING THAT TO MY WORDS! "

"Listen I was stuck here by your mother . My name is Caleb Moon, but just call me father, I have many things to teach you."

"Like what! To see my darkness? " I stared at him confused wondering if he would teach me my magic that. Is so much easier to feel.

"Of course I'll teach you about your magic however it will, not be darkness." Yeah that's really what I want isn't it, I still don't believe his my father. I don't think I will for a very long time.

However once I know the basis of magic I could even make my own spells to that's quite probable is it not. Hahahaha not like I really care, you see the more magic the better.

"Well let's begin with a few simple spells shall we?"

"Fine not like I, got no training before but fine"

Meanwhile Chiaki saw the book on the floor and picked it up wondering why he'd left there mothers book on the floor. She looked at there mothers book lying there , that was still open on the spell page. "He did find what he's looking for " without a second thought she'd put there mothers book back on the side out of the way.

I knew for a fact that whatever our mothers book was letting him do something however I still don't have a clue what.

I just hope whatever he's learning it doesn't cause me lots of problems to do with time or anything really.

In that instance time stopped none was moving not even a single inch there's was nothing in the whole of Tallanaina that could move he'd done it completely stopped time.

"Now we begin"

"Well if beginning is what you want father did you freeze time ? That's amazing! Hahahaha! Teach me!

"Of course I'll teach you everything I know that's of course the point is not ? You came for that right?"

My father really knew how to read my intentions well partly he can't read it fully none can other than me, everyone knows that there is only one person who knows me truly and that's me!

"Yes that's my intention! YOU KNOW IT IS NOW START TEACHING! "

"Pushing me are we fine let's begin " and so the long game of learning everything began.

The World Of Madness: Fallen royaltyWhere stories live. Discover now