chapter 1

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(I added some of my art just for image reference for your all drawn by me )

My name is Charles Moon. I lived on another word a lot like this one. I couldn't ask for a more beautiful home land. There is a amazing splashing waterfall . The trees and flowers all bloom in spring making it feel completely like some kids fairy tale. It's really peaceful. Well it used to be. I kind of ruined most of that. Maybe that's why I look back on this with more gold. Than the biggest stain of red ever seen. Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself.  I think it's better I just set this up more.

I have a few sisters and one little brother who's almost always pestering me with something it could be, him wanting me to read. At times it's to use magic on other children. Something about them pestering them.  I don't really know why I even need to do such a thing.

My  sisters usually they ask what colour of makeup they should wear that day, or what colour of dress looks nicest on them.  I know far too much about fashion. Due to this. As much as I might not get the deal with it. I still do see there point you at least have to make an effort. Instead of looking like someone wearing something that looks well just untidy.

However , I  still would much rather spend time with my  mother . I get that being the Queen of Tallanaina is not an easy task. She always makes time for my siblings just not me anymore.  Maybe it's just my age. I'm not a child anymore. They still are classed as so.

Then again I haven't exactly been the best heir to the throne , don't I still deserve a chance?

Getting kicked out school isn't that much of a big deal . I got kicked out because I poisoned a student who accused me of cheating all the time. Like I would cheat that's not what my mother taught me to do ! She also taught me never to false accuse someone unless they a proven guilty by an actual hearing. Of course due to my status and the lack of proof it was entirely me. They just took it as it's better to expel me just in case I had done it. Really that's crazy.

Right now I should be reflecting on what I've apparently done to another person. The world is a whole lot better without one incompetent warlock around. I could have saved so many future lives . From there amateurish ways.  I mean who actually accuses people of such things.

There was a knock on my door probably my sister's wanting my opinion on something again. I still have to answer either way .

"Yes what is it and who is it ?" I affirm in my usual manner when talking to anyone.

My sister's voice rang out "it's just me Chiaki , I need to talk to you Charles. "

I open the door carefully making sure it doesn't make a sound and alert my mother I'm wandering around again. Well not that I think she minds too much.

"What is it you need Chiaki? I do have my "reflecting" to do you know. Not that I ever really do it."  I started at her from my bed. Looking at her blue eyes , they were the same shade as mine.

My oldest sister comes in my room and sits down on my chair by the desk I had set up in my room to do something creative with my time . Mostly writing and drawing random things.

"Well Charles just wondering do you want to go on a walk like you and mother did so long ago. I do believe you require some sunshine look at you. Why you look you're almost like you're undead" she giggled at her last comment. I didn't personally find it that funny.

"I'm sorry I might as well be and thank you Chiaki I'll take you up on that offer then . However only at night even though I still age and have to eat this castles food does not mean I want anything to do with that ethereal burning ball of heat."  I thought id make a joke about the undead. It's true however I really did just prefer the night over day.

"You talk as though you aren't part of this world anymore-" I cut her off

"Of course. You know something Chiaki! No I'm not I'm just like the so called creatures of the night. I mean you gave heard those wolves out there even they have a better time than me."

"Charles... Can please stop saying that you are like a vampire everyone knows they are myths."

" Oh please it would be funny if you and I were one I mean come on. Ironic much." while I was talking my mother had wandered in and was listening to what I was talking about.  Perhaps she didn't like it too much.

"Chiaki come on out it's clear he still hasn't learned his lesson you'd think he would have after 4 years! I wonder if you will you will ever learn that perhaps the reason why you think you are undead is your own fault!"

"So what I'm not perfect, if you think I'm so useless why haven't you had me killed ?! " That's a question I ask every single day , I'm surprised my premature death hasn't came yet. I should have wished harder that it hadn't.

"Charles , I'll see you later . Mother don't be so harsh on him. Please he's just himself we both know why he's like this." My oldest sister gets our of my chair and walks out my room leaving me with my mother. 

" tomorrow consider yourself dead if thats what you really want. I will see you the same way. I've had it with you insolence and insubordination." she walks out slamming the door behind her. I'm not really sure why I seem to be such and outcast.

I'm not concerned in the slightest.  She'd never actually kill me .She couldn't make a 9 year old king. plus, it's not like she's getting any younger. Well neither am I but that's beside the point.

I'm not going to die there's no way I will all I can do now is wait until it's night. Then perhaps I can enjoy that walk with my sister. Like old times although it isn't my mother anymore. That doesn't matter that much.

I'll just go back to reading these books on vampires. It's funny how similar they seem to be to me sometimes. That's why I keep on making these jokes.

(I'm in the process of tweaking a lot of this book so if it's been updated or changed its because of that :) )

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