chapter 11

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A witch falls through the dimensional rift that Charles had opened just before this. She has red and black ombre hair, with red eyes. With also a tomboyish style. 
"Where the fuck am I?" She questioned as she walked around the place, trying to work out her she is.  Chiaki happened to be running that direction and hits into the witch.

"Hey! Watch where you're going would you?" Donabell called out to the strange women crashing into her, letting out a huff in  annoyance.

"A-ah sorry miss, is my brother around? Please tell me he isn't. Wait we haven't met, have we?  Please excuse my ramblings."  I haven't seen this woman before now that I think about it in fact I can't place anything about her she probably isn't from around here at all.

complete confusion "Slow down. Who the hell is your brother? And why do you care if he's around?" That sort of proved my point really she had no idea who my brother was.

" You don't know? He's psychotic, he calls himself the king of this place. His name is Charles moon, I refused to listen to him and ran away."  I couldn't exactly go back to him after all. Like mother, he frightens me. I never really talked about it because I thought if I did I'd be harmed by them.

"Of course she did, dumb ass who wouldn't run away from that guy, after all, he killed my master" a cat stands up and talks that was sitting near Chiaki on the floor.

"Familiar right?" She looked at the cat with a suspicious look.

"Yes, I'm a familiar you're a witch correct. I believe that's what I'm sensing." I, just stood there listing to what my cat had to say about

"You're right I am a witch, I just don't know where my familiar is..." Donabell trailed off, her mind finally realising that if he wanted, he could just teleport to her. So there was no need to worry about him. As most familiars can.

"Can I ask what you're name is i'm Chiaki and my familiar is called Lapis"

"Donabell" Was the women's only answer. "Nice to meet you miss Donabell." I heard I sound in the distance, someone was walking to where we are standing.

"your brother is coming we need to move now!" 

"We have to go goodbye" I run off with Lapis further away into the forest.

"Hey wait-" But before Donabell could say anything more, they had already run off into the forest. Leaving her behind, extremely confused.

There is a figure walking towards Donabell. From the direction, Chiaki must have run from.  When he gets close enough he talks to her. 

"Who are you? Where is my sister I heard her over here." I knew I wasn't imaging it either  that's not something you just dream up very godammed second is it!

"Who the fuck are you and who is your sister?" Donabell started at his mismatched eyes, she sensed something. A vampire.

"Whats the matter? found something out? As for my sister her name is Chiaki Moon ring any bells?" Of course the best way to get what I wanted was to be an asshole simply put. If I want answers I'll get it this way.

"Never heard of her, also you look like shit, have you ever met the sun?" Donabell knew she was being an idiot, don't cross vampires, especially not one's with odd magic. But was Donabell about to become a push-over? No. Then, her familiar appeared right in front of them, separating the two. The eyeball spring bounced up and down, facing Charles. He wasn't scared of him, no, he was trying to protect her. Oh course she wasn't she wasn't the kind of person to give up easily but he of course didn't know that.

"What the fuck, you have one of those pets like my sister does. You know how it is I just hate the sun, don't some people just burn easily? For a matter of fact, I have met the sun. Now then I must pursue my sister some more step aside." I knew that if she may or may not be so easily persuaded it might be one of those cases. As she is commenting on the fact I don't see the sun. though she isn't wrong.

"Fuck off" Donabell planted her feet into the ground, staring him right in the eyes as she did so.

"You're not from around here, are you? You will listen to my orders! " I wish she would stop staring at me like that.

"And you will sit on your own dick before I listen to you, congratulations Einstein you've figured out I'm not from here." Oh, this fucker was getting it now.

Donabell liked to think she'd matured a lot in the past few years, being able to hide her immature side much better. However, when the situation called for it, she'd realise that immature side of herself and go on a mission to destroy her opponent's will to live. As slowly distroying that will was the main thing she would do if they go on her worser side of things

"You think i'd do that do you? Well no. Oh how you interest me now. You don't listen to me? Well that's you're own choice however do understand you're in my dimension now! " I'd like to think I could win against her will. Watch her snap like a string on a violin. Would be so much more fun. 

"I interest you?" Donabell started at him blankly, suppressing her will to glare at him. 'This guy is weird'. She thought to herself.

"Yes, very much so. I invite you to come to my castle at some point miss."  I can tell she doesn't trust me well I mean who would after all I'm not exactly the most none shady person you have seen around the place.

"So you can eat me?" Donabell questioned this as she knew how vampires worked they'd let you in make you trust them and then kill you they are all the same disgusting creature.

"Why no you see I wanted to invite you there , so I can talk about your home wherever that is do think about coming won't you? It starts at 10pm tonight hope you can make it dear .As for my sister talk some sense into the girl.If of course you see her. " he walks away back down the road away from the direction Chiaki went earlier.

"Fucking creep. Like I'd go to his stupid castle he's a fucking idot if he thinks I'd go." She lets out an anyoyed sigh before walking away from the direction he went.

Charles eventually got back to his castle to find it had been invaded by a werewolf. He could sense it in an instant, And so could it.

"Hey , are you the head vampire? I'm Melina I've um come to ask you something."

"Yes what of it wolf."

"Rude , I've come to ask you if you could maybe lay off getting others to take me out of the village."

"As long as you leave! Then sure but do not let me see you again" He sits down on his chair.

"Of course sir "  Melina runs out of his castle.

"Werewolves, pitiful creatures really.  At least she's gone. " Now I must wait for Aliyah's report that is due any moment now. However she tended to be late.

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