chapter 6

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He kept walking me to a house abandoned or was left for a long time until he started to live there . It seemed like he'd been staying here awhile.

"Here we are home sweet .. dump really I couldn't have said much else this , it's literally rotting away slightly " I look, at the walls that are indeed crumbling away on the corners.

To say the least At least I'm really fine here away from my mother , and at least my sister is here aswell. "Chaiki you must go home and get mother as soon as you do run like hell don't look back at this it might be a little bloody we know how much she still hates me ."

"Yes yes I know Charles " with that she turned and walked away she wouldn't take too long I know she wouldn't she has a reason that is not to disappoint me.

I lied I know she'd take her time , seconds turned into minutes.Minutes turned into hours, and hours turned into days.

Where on earth is she! I've been waiting ! No no no she better not have done what I think she's done. Whatever that case I have to go home.

As soon as night fell I opened the door and ran through it as fast as I could. The amount of force I used to open the door. Caused it to fly straight off the hinges and fall onto the ground below. I keep running pretending that fact wasn't a thing.

I had to get to the castle no matter what the cost of it no matter how!? There was something thrown at me what on earth was that ? I looked at the object on passing and it was indeed a perfectly whittled stake. The direction it was through and the velocity of the air suggests it was thrown from the top of the castle.

There's one more thing for it kill all these ,guards and get them out of my way.

I run up of the castle , spot the nearest guard. Before they could even do anything. I'd already pointed there own gun at there head.

Of course I fire it at there head , why wouldn't I they need to be out the way.

There blood came poring out very quickly as part of their brain had also add splattered the wall. Not only that but I also had blood on me .

Stranger still I really actually liked it the feeling I got was so so, lifting the idea of having someone at my mercy causing someone else's death. Really did feel so interesting, I have to do it again!

I take the gun off there body there dead it's not like they need it now. Looking through the scope of it I look at the other guards that are now running over I crouch down, while still looking. As if I'd done this so many times before I let them fall one by one, after a few shots however, there was no more bullets left so yet again I took the rest of the ones the guard was carrying and reload it. Slowly but surely until , theres none of them left.

I stand up and looked at the results of my work , and I really liked it. After taking the rest of ammo , and walk to the door and knock on it.

None would probably answer but it's worth a shot right. I have to find Chaiki it's possible she's locked in her room or worse she's being killed or hurt.

To my great surprise my, maid or at least had been had opened the door. "Master , Charles? What happened to you oh I thought you'd been killed. Do come in won't you."

I smiled in slightly creepy way " why thank you Aliyah. For you're good deeds to me I'll give you a favour later I promise I will."

"Master Charles, whatever you say. I'll run a nice bath for you to get rid of that blood" Aliyah walks off to go upstairs to do exactly what she said she would do.

I walked into my old castle oh it was good to be home so good. My only thing that was on my mind is where on earth even is my mother.

Then I heard exactly what I wanted to hear, it was my sister crying out from down within the basement. it told me that she was indeed not dead but quite possibly close to it.. She said " MOTHER! stop now ! He's not going to like you never. I will never never NEVER ! betray him he's family! I don't care what he is he will always be my older brother!" The words she said made me smile.

I get to the door of the basement not even caring about the damage it caused to my left hand I hit the door as hard I can. Braking the door instantly. Surprisingly , I didn't even know I was that strong it was not even possible ! Not last time I was here. I tried so much, to break that door.

There she was indeed doing what I hoped she wasn't.holding my sister right at knife point was the last thing I ever wanted! Why does it have to be like this couldn't she not be such a crazy woman." I've been expecting you, well you're not exactly quiet trying to break in here! "

"Hahaha , oh course I wasn't. I'm here to set my sister free and you oh I have something planned for you mother you're going to love it. " Of course I meant it all I did have something planned but if she likes it that's another story.

"Fine I don't want you're waste of a sister." She lets Chaiki go she runs out through the shattered door, and out the door of the castle. That main door isn't exactly quiet.

"Now then mother-" she'd had other plans apparently , she'd pushed that knife through my hand slowly and left it there , for me to keep feeling the sensation of it.

However little did she know it made little difference to me now. I had her right where I wanted her.

That's the point isn't it? You all know how it is get my own revenge. On all of her people.

Mother just stood there expecting me to do something but that I didn't do. I just grabbed her head and snapped her neck but as slowly as possible so she felt me doing it.

Wait "what have I done ?! Hahahaha." Oh yes this is perfect "hahahaha"

Aliyah walked down to see him laughing manically about what seemed to be his mother, surely gone on the floor.

"Master Charles? Are you alright ."

"Never better , come my maid I have some tasks for you. For a start clean , hahahaha a-all the dead up. Then you get your gift."

"Alright master Charles , I'll be off to do that then, and your bath is ready"

"Why thank you" he walks off upstairs while Aliyah walked upstairs to the outside she didn't believe what she saw out there

"OH DEAR NO NO NOT GOOD. " She knew she's getting into something she shouldn't have. I sigh , no matter that I have to , ugh clean up , d-dead people if I don't well it's not good. He'll probably do the same to me.

The World Of Madness: Fallen royaltyWhere stories live. Discover now