chapter 2

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Night finally fell an my sister walked in with a disheartened look on her face like the very spirit and soul she's carried with her was drained away , I couldn't bare to see her so disprirted "what's wrong , what brings so much sorrow to you my sister?"

"I-its mother she's lost it, i-i can't stop her she's coming here to make your death. R-right now" My sister looked at me with such and upset way , she burst out crying and hugged me. I knew she wants me to stay here in this castle but I can't not if she's coming , I know she's lost it fully now more than ever before.

"Chaiki, listen to me , whatever mother does I will come back from the grave I have to , I will not allow her to hurt you nor hurt anyone else if what this letter and strange bottle is telling the truth , let me go I'll be fine " I smile down at my sister she lets go of me reluctantly and smiles back.

"I believe you run like the wind Charles ! Run like you have never ran before! " Like my sister said I did I put on my long leather coat took the strange letter and liquid I was given a few days ago from well. I don't really know.

I jumped out the window onto the side of the castle wall making my way down each side quickly but with too  much haste. The old tiles started to crack and brake making it harder and harder to get down without falling to my appending doom. I hear the distanced screaming of my mother as I grab onto a tree that allows my safe descent into the woods below.

The woods where far more dark and clouded than the last time I was here the road seems dark and much more colder. I don't like how small it seems , I should probably drink this strange thing I was given. Wait . Was it my old story's I heard about a child that was two things at once but had to choose what they where. Whatever that case I must drink .

I take the strange bottle open the lid and drink the whole thing , the senses I got were alarming if it wasn't for this searing pain I would have quite liked all this power running through me, I couldn't even stand anymore .

I looked behind me to see my mother standing she'd had caught up to me she grabs me off the floor .

She had a knife within her right hand , I was too weak to try and fight her there was no way me nor you could have, could have stopped her.

She held my right hand out and stabbed the knife right though it my blood poored, out staining her hand , she pulled it out of my hand slowly to make my searing pain even worse, my blood kept dripping making a river of Red I tried to scream out but I couldn't , "s-stop it "  my words were so quite , there was not even a single soul could hear me .

The next thing I new she's holding the knife to my throat showing that everything was over ruining was useless , there was not a single point in it .I could not get away anymore.

The knife sliced clean through is neck that Charles died instantly covering his mother in the blood that was now and forever more on her hands , the pool of blood surrounded her , she ran back to the castle , never to speak of what she's done. The floor of the forest was left untouched until the morning sun rose to the horrors that the night hid.

The World Of Madness: Fallen royaltyWhere stories live. Discover now