chapter 3

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Chaiki heard the door swing open and her mother run ,in and as quickly as possible to the upstairs bathroom , upstairs without realising the blood that stained her clothes and shoes had came of on the floor went to go clean herself up

I walked into the doorway and stood still completely dead in my tracks to look at the bloody footprints on the floor "mother what did you do to Charles!" I as his little sister should be worried after all mother, did run off with a knife , the likelihood he g-got away is slim.

I stood there and a strange idea came over me , I placed my finger in the drying blood and tasted it. My mind didn't do. My heart wanted to make sure that's exactly what it was however instead of feeling sick.

I saw something it was, the events leading to his downfall where now being shown before my eyes. Not only that I felt everything. My sister must have heard my almost choking sound because they rushed into the hallway. I could tell something was there at least.

"Chaiki! Are you okay " her  younger sister Echo called out to Chaiki. But there came no response as she couldn't get herself out of that vision.

Echo called on her other sisters and little brother , also her mother , however she remembered that they where all out for the weekend on a trip, not her mother of course she was just not listening. 

A few day's  must have passed , because I don't remember being in my room. Neither having some kind of notebook next to me about an appointment for the doctor to come and see if I'm fine.

I sprung out of my bed feeling better than the rain that rang out random rainbows. I looked at my calendar on the wall to check the date "oh my gosh! No it can't be right ! " The date . It's no. Not possible it can't be 3 months later there's no way was I really , passed out for that long.

Not long after I yelled I heard footsteps running up the stairs , and my door flug open with so much force there was a slight gust of wind. Before I could do anything my murderous mother was hugging me "thank the heavens you're okay if you'd have died like your brother did I don't know-" I cut in and pushed her aside

"You don't know what you would of done! You where the one who killed him 3 months ago! Shut up , shut up SHUT THE FUCK UP! " I haven't felt that much anger in such a long time I couldn't explain it I was so pissed of I wanted to actually kill her!

"Hmm ? Did that sleep make you have some  impertinence?"

"My god dammed attitude is staying ,talk all you like. I hope you burn I hell demon you're not the mother I knew! 3 Months ago you changed and I hate you !I hate you, so much leave me alone!"

"You , dare to talk to your own mother like that!"

"Oh I do dare!"

"Well will see about that! You want death like him fine ! Go stave for all I care!" She storms off slamming the door behind her.

I stand and stare out into the distance to look at the veiw of our family graveyard only to notice that the earth was upturned a bit and it , almost looks like something got out from under the earth itself. Strange completely strange.

I watch the sun go away thinking about how . I'm just like my brother. About to soon suffer my own premature death apon myself. Just because I denyed my mother , just like him perhaps I'm exactly like him sticking to a point once I get it , now me and him aren't so different after all.

The World Of Madness: Fallen royaltyWhere stories live. Discover now