chapter 13

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I'd just gotten rid that girl, oh help I'm stupid ! She left for that wolf next thing I know she'll be calling herself Aliyah Lightshade instead of Wolfsbane. oh I'm I'm so fucking stupid! I needed her help she was handy to clean up the messes I caused, I need another minion. I'll find one some how. As for the plan the next part is simple. In the time being ,I sign this and address the people of my home. I have all the control I need. It's simply perfect and no one stands in my way.

Well my sister Chiaki who ran away might oppose me but I'd, like to see her try. I'm always going to be stronger than her it's simple she's mortal , what could single mortal do. Even if she does have supernatural powers what is she going to do. Stare at me until I give up get the authorities I rule over them anyways. Well I will , just after I write my name here. I put my quill into the ink, and write my name there we are perfect.

Now all I have to do is show the public this and I'm king then that will be my place here is final. That is always good as well killing my. Mother is well just going to get me in trouble oh well they can't take me now. Well they could bring about my arrest but at last my plan isn't finished anyways. I have to finish it yet don't have a reason too they aren't important to me yet none of this is important is it? I got what i want the same time i haven't.

I don't feel satisfied i don't feel anything, maybe getting rid of Aliyah and driving Chiaki away was stupid or silly of me. The girl who left well i hope she got home. Yet everything still feels so empty.

My little brother came into the room i'm standing in "Charlesy your back! whats wrong? you have no expression. " Christoper seemed to be almost upset at the fact i felt nothing. my mind had just completely closed. i had no care or remorse that of which happened to him happened i couldn't care less about him. Iv'e changed not in a good way i'll just keep up my persona and hope they don't see through the lies.

"Of course i'm fine just a little stressed , well its just soon i'll become the King its a lot of pressure on me. Don't worry. I have a plan." I'll go head with my plan soon, perhaps that will fix my deeds , maybe more murder will help me feel again.

"No! i will protect you!" i smile at him and ruffle his hair.

"i know don't worry i have plans, shh your brother has work to do." I go outside of my castle and wait for Echo to rise again i cannot have her running around all confused yet this really is something. Even if they don't like it they will have to know at some point. However for now i'll do my best to keep this situation within my family and not start a full on invasion its best that they stay in my protection. The world will not appreciate what is going on here. If the high court of my home knew vampires where back they'd end it , especially if they knew what i'm planning to do. Yet they don't and intend to keep it that way.

So in following this is way of thinking I'll not lose my misguided path it must continue no matter what they do.

I waited for the exact time Echo was due to come back and waited to greet her , she would then be like me yet she most likely will panic or worse run away to her sisters and warn them of my "dangerous " behavior.

Echo raised from the dead. Looking extremely panicked and gasped her neck where I had taken blood from her. "Charles! What have you done too me it hurts so much."

"Apologies I didn't mean to hurt you too much, I hope your suffering ends you must feel terrible." My voice was so empty and expressionless it was so much empty it must of scared her a bit.

"C-Charles what are you doing. Why are you so expressionless what happened why do I feel, WHY AM I IN THE GROUND."

"Well if you'd had rather died I could have let you die."

" No I didn't ask for this! What am I a monster!? Like you Chiaki w-was right."

"Oh ? Monster no you're a vampire what did she tell you ?hmmm? Or did you work it out?"

"I worked it out after the disappearance of the guards and she mentioned your glasses appearing out of nowhere. I you USED A SPELL ON ME!"

"Of course why wouldn't I? " My demeanor changed to how it is normally " Okay enough! I'm done with this better right get inside say nothing or get out and find Chiaki I don't care, but don't trust me leave. "

"H-hey I never said I'd leave." She looks almost worried at how quickly his manor changed.

"Oh did you not ?" My manor sounded completely expressionless again

"No! Why do this too me?!"

"Oh sorry then , stay I'll teach you what you are come back into the house your brother wants you I'll get you a drink do not leave during the day and do not kill anyone I can't have you getting a bad conscience too now can I?"

"N-no thank you Charles." She runs back in the house shacking and looking back at me staring at the ground thinking about what I'm about to do at the same time I could change the plan too.

At last my family must be all under my control , I wonder what my sister is doing you know what I need to look for her first she knows too much. She knows what I am she knows who I've killed and she could tell my country's government or make sure that I'm put out of here and sent too my demise. I cannot be trapped I have too much to ruin. I haven't filled what I planned to do first not to mention the fact that I need to hide these plains but if I take my family all to the children of the night, that they will be it would make sure that we are connected, quite possibly I could take magic from then and control the heart of magic even more.

I think it's the best opportunity I must go to that again but have to make sure on where my sister is or even prohaps change her to be a little more like me. She's out in the woods somewhere I just don't know where , it's possible that she is there but why would she go there to steal that from me. No no she's too nice but she's also smart too. She knows that I'd put her in her place but she has probably worked out my plans at the same time she wouldn't go and say too much but I need to make sure she's under the spell.

What spell you ask? Simple she will become like me however to do this I'd have to have her be in danger and I could save her meaning I need more pawns for my board.  As my remaining family she has to join me at some point.

All of them do I can't just leave them now can I we are still family even if we do drift apart even if I don't get along they are still my fresh and blood. Since we are all related, I care about them, but at last they must be on my side they cannot be not on my side it would be terribly annoying I'd have to deal with them and I don't want to hurt them more than I have to.

I shall stop dawdling around here and go see if she has found my target I walk out of the grand castles doors and run for the forest that now has so many memories. That have now come and gone. Like the strange lady that fell here we all fade away at some point it becomes a distant memory and then we lose what we used to have. She is home wherever that might be I'm still completely gone and this isn't my place it's empty here so so empty and unfulfilling.

I take the path into the forest I took earlier those two forest children will probably still be here. They sure act like it, seeking of Trisha I had met earlier comes out of the trees.

"Hey again why did you come back?"

"Hmm oh right well I'm going to the other side of the forest do not stop me I really do not need to be slowed down even more." I keep walking ahead trying not too look at her too much. If she noticed I was intrigued she would try too keep me here for a while.

"Hey ! You can't go there!" She seemed a bit distressed like she's hiding something from me it is not a good thing to do with me. I'm obliged to go wherever I will to go.

"I do not care I'm going and you do not have the powers too stop me my dear. " I walk of into the part of the woods she'd hiding without even a single glance back.

This part of the forest had a zipping and zapping feeling of power zinging its way through my body, this was definitely close to my target. However just as I'd suspected one of my family was never by the feeling of this life source it was Chiaki. Why is she here she's messing up my plans. I will put a stop to that she must not take any more of my magic!

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