chapter 9

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Time was still standing still I had no idea how long it's been.That didn't matter as far as I was aware every single year in frozen time didn't matter.

Sure I'm one hundred years old well I believe so I gave up counting after awhile my father didn't though. I have full control over my magic to I never knew it was that strong seriously it's over powered.

"Charles today is your final lesson" final lesson really. Aw that's terrible I still don't know black magic haha that's what I want darkness. "Unfreeze everyone"

"Fine I will also father one more thing thanks for your magic haha " what I need more magic I have to distroy this stupid world or at least brake it. "Take what is not mine give it all to me take every drop every spell everything steal of the magic for myself "

With that my father glowed and floated into the air as did I . The light trickled out slowly into soon as the first drop hit mean knew I was in for alot of power.

"Stop it you don't know what you are doing!" He told me to stop now why would I do that now ? I'm powerful and I will kill everyone who gets in my path.

"I know exactly what I'm doing father now sit there enjoy your life, I wonder in you will age?" With that I walked out of there leaving him on the floor , I don't care for him I .someone who doesn't teach me , the dark magic I want to know has no purpose to me.

With a snap of my fingers in unfroze time , like it was nothing this wasn't even a challenge , it made no darn difference now time to go see how my sisters are doing I can't have them running my plans!

"FAMILY, MEETING! YOU ALL HAVE FIVE MINUTES TO GET INTO THE MAIN HALL!".I yelled at the very top of my voice to make sure everyone could hear me they would come they have to or let's just say there fates would match all of the others. I'm kidding don't worry dear I wouldn't dream of hurting them not intentionally.

In the distance I hear the running of my siblings , to the main hall. Where I am already, siting at the grand table in there at the seat where the head of the castle is supposed to sit where I calmly adjust my glasses I now have to wear due to the fact looking at mortals with my direct eye could easily kill them . The glasses themselves where half framed , but sort of rectangular, in shape , and the colour was almost the same bright red as my eye.

Not too much longer passed and slowly but surely in came all of my 4 siblings. They all sat at there seats allocated to them , I clear my throat " good to see you all finally I've missed you , anyways onto my topic- Christopher Moon! Stop that at once" Christopher who might I add looked allot more like my eldest sister Chiaki had disided it was a good idea to sit on my lap.

"Charlesy whyyy! You're so sweet, I'm glad I have you , you'll protect me from the monsters!" His voice was sweet and kind like most 9 year olds sound however they are still children. 

I gently ruffle his hair "those monsters are dust if I find them " he giggled and smiled at me.

"Hey , get on with the task at hand!"

"Yeah you said it Althem ! "

"Well I'd like to know what happened to you, Charles you seem very different than the last time we talked which was earlier this morning?! Unless! You did something? "

"He didn't even go to school idot! " Here they go again Chaiki was making a point but Althem would always miss the point and Echo would just reassure her to it. Well I say that but at other times they'd just argue like children.

"Sisters! There is no time for your petty arguments, mother is dead , as for your father we haven't seen him for years. In the same way notice where I'm sitting"

"But why sit in the head of the house seat.. wait you aren't you" Echo had the tendency to be smart just follow , her dumber sister.

"The head correct . Now, where is my crown. "

"Wow Charlesy king hehe then you really will protect me big brother. "

"Correct please get off me now I have kingdom business to attend to."

"Okay!" Christopher seemed very exited about this fact and ran upstairs to his room to bounce around a bit.

"You don't mean that and what is wrong with you!?"

"My dear sister nothing is wrong and I do mean it I have a coronation to put on well you know we do need a new leader since im the eldest it falls to me."

"I see , you believe that do you?"

"Of course now good day my sister " while I'm walking away I hear my sister thinking about how I'm too formal , and also about why she didn't question my glasses I am now wearing whatever the case ,my crowning won't plan it's self.  Meanwhile his sister's where still arguing

"He's acting strange don't you think sisters what happened to him for a start. WHY DID NONE QUESTION THE GLASSES! "

"Chiaki you have lost you're mind he's always had glasses"


"You sound it , do you have to be so mad it's kinda a pain to listen to "

"Then leave Althem !"

"Ohhh sassy pants is back fine I'll leave see ya sis" Althem leaves and walks away as does Echo she always follows her like a dog who is following around  her for food or scraps something like that.  Is that too far? Definitely not.

I guess there's one thing for it prepare for his coronation ugh, it's not really what should be happening like what the hell! I feel like I've been trapped for a century and none else notices anything am I just losing it? Is the plot for me gone , and why do I feel like im- it's nearly night isn't it oh sh- pringles ! Um that means.

The earth was moving on the grave that Charles had made earlier a hand came out from the ground and out climbed Aliyah with her new found vampirism .

"Hey Chiaki you're looking fine today aren't you what a nice heart you have "

"CHARLES! I'VE GOT YOU'RE VAMPIRE GIRLFRIEND OUT HERE !"  As soon as I said that he was standing right infront of me.

"Ah my dear maid just the women I wanted to see , And Chiaki never say she's my girlfriend again! "

"Master whatever you will "

"Follow me " with that they wander off leaving me even more confused than before , I need to figure this out! That book where did I put it I have to find it surely that holds the answers.

The World Of Madness: Fallen royaltyWhere stories live. Discover now