chapter 7

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After cleaning up all of the mess I went back to the castle building to try and find what on earth Charles could have wanted. I know it definitely was something but what it was definitely something alright right.

"Ah miss Aliyah, there you are ready for my gift." He smiled creepy mannor

"My master what is it you want to give me ?"

"Come a little closer then why don't you "
I really don't like the sound of it but as his maid I'm bound to do exactly what he wishes. "I'm not sure about this "

"You will be , Aliyah" with that he took it upon himself to bite into her neck draining her blood. After she was nearing the point of death. He bit his own wrist and made her drink from it.

In doing so made her pass out while his sister in which he cared do much for walked back in.

"Charles?! What are you doing . You killed her!"

"I killed alot of people not to long ago oh it felt so good! But no she's not dead but rather changing."

"What on earth do you mean" then it clicked " She's going to be like you . "

"Correct , now if you'll excuse me I've got a maid to bury in the garden."

"Huh?! What !"

"You wouldn't understand , now leave me alone or I'll send you straight to hell!"

"C-charles , what you wouldn't" she whispered it so softly , but not only that but she felt an uproar of panic seep into her. While Charles walked off carrying Aliyah. In that moment he never was quite the same.

The next morning he was in the castle reading something. I as his sister still wanted to know what it was " hey what you reading?"

"Well! Why do you care!?" He snapped in a way I'd never heard him do before , it's like he's completely different.

"Charles? Are you -" I would have asked if he was feeling okay he's just so mean

"Do not concern yourself with me! Leave I'm trying to read ! "

"But what?"

"Fine if you must know all of mothers old spells , and well as her diary she doesn't need it! Now does she? "

" You shouldn't read it. "

"THAT WAS A RHETORICAL QUESTION!"  His voice was now quivering with anger.

"I-ill go!" I run off leaving him staring blankly at the book before going back to read it. He didn't even care anymore not one bit he'd gone. There's nothing left of what he once was now. Don't you see it's not possible to fix a man's heart , or even soul in this case after it gets so corrupted. Then again corruption can go too.

The book was written by his mother and was intended for him to read at some point at least that's how he saw it.

The first chapter began like this.

"So here we are by now you've probably killed me. Not a surprise really. Haha I wanted you to. You're just a dim witted as a thought I'll teach you nothing! " Looking at this he knew that she was just kidding about the first bit writing like that was how she was.

However if you turned it over to the next page he'd see a spell to summon someone that he didn't even knew existed in the first place.

"Father! What Huh no , this is it ! Hahahaha oh yes. " Dropping the book reading the page one last time he ran off to  a part of the castle he had never gone , to conduct what he willed to.

This time he would really know everything yes everything.

"Hahahaha, spell yes please do what I want take me there , let him show me the darkness in my power" you will have no idea what he's going on about now would you? Think, think, think!

"Let me, in show what was once hidden open. Open this boundary that one can see  open what once was lost."

"Oh I think it's going to work" he looked onwards twords a gate to a hidden area of the castle that he had indeed brought there. He looked in and stepped out into it.

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