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One day. Tomorrow could be the day. Or it could be after that. I'm nervous. Incredibly nervous. In fact, so nervous that earlier this morning I begged Tobias to stay at home but no. Apparently work is more important than birth of his kids. I mean, they aren't due until tomorrow but anything could happen.

It's still lunch time and I'm still in my pajamas. Not my fault... it is. I'm too lazy to change and shower so smelly and shabby I stay. I'm eating chocolate yoghurt pots currently. I can't be bothered to make food either. Christina promised she'd come round before tomorrow. That hasn't happened yet. But I still hate this loneliness. Even though I'm not alone, I have my babies, I still feel incredibly lonely. So I sit. Crouch. Eating my yoghurt. I decide to sprawl out across the sofa, my legs outstreched to the other end of the sofa to which my head is.

I wake up a while after, a while. I don't even know what time it is. Until I look at the darkness surrounding me. Definitely at least 6. Tobias should be home soon. I'm glad my babies decided to stay in longer. I know Tobias has taken the day off tomorrow. And thank God for that. I was not looking forwards to trapesing down to the control room in labour. Not good. It seems Christina never visited. She would of at least woke me up. Some friend. I chuckle to myself and get up to find the light switch. I stumble over a few things to which I'm not entirely sure what are. And then I turn the light on. They were toys. Toys for my currently 1 day until they are here babies. Or to put it easier, unborn babies. I go to sit back down when Tobias comes in.

"Hey," I say, throwing myself on the sofa. Tobias dishes to my side.

"Hey, be careful." He says, I smirk. He's stressed about them coming. I can tell by the panickyness in his uncertain voice.

"How was work?" I ask, intrigued to know if he's had a better day than me.

"Boring." He pauses to air down next to me. I lean against him. "I couldn't stop thinking about you all day long. I mean, that's not a bad thing but...I was panicking." He pulls in a deep breath. "Zeke was laughing so hard at me. I got a bit frustrated at him." I look up to him.

"You two are still friends right?" He nods. "Good."

"So, how's your day been?" He asks.

"Uh, panicky also. And annoying. Christina never visited."

"There's still time."

"Yeah but we don't know when these two will come." I pat my stomach gently. Which is now stretched and huge. Tobias puts his hands on my stomach and grins. He kisses behind my ear.

"Well, I frankly can't wait."

"I can." I grumble.

"Oh shush." He says laughing.

It's bed time. Me and Tobias snuggle together for a while, while I can't sleep. He ends up dropping off quickly though. I try to sleep but the unnervingness about tomorrow keeps hitting me. Every time my head hits the pillow and my eyes close.

It's not long after my unsettledness when I feel it. A pair of kicks. Different kicks. More painful ones. I don't wake Tobias yet. I wait for it to happen again. But it doesn't. I turn over and sleep.

Over an hour later. It comes again. I put on a confused face. And then I comes again. Quicker than last time. I feel water trickle down my legs and I clutch on to Tobias's closest arm. I dig my short fingernails in his skin and he groans.

"What Tris?" He say sleepily. I begin to sob and he hears me. "Tris?" He turns over sits up. He helps me sit up, which makes the pain worse. "Are they kicking again?" I shake my head.

"They're coming..." I say in a low whimper. His grinning turns into worry and then panick.

I saw the picture on Instagram, go follow Fandom_Worlds!! I thought you should check them out... ;) I am! :')

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