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              *Further Scenes...*
Anyone know where the Insurgent trailer is?

I wake up to a cool breeze on the back of my neck, Tobias stole all of the cover so I'm left with no cover on, wearing just Tobias's shirt on. I get off the bed. My feet touch the ground and I walk into the kitchen to get breakfast. I decide not to eat, there's nothing in there that I particularly have had before so I don't eat. I grab a glass of water, gulp it down and sit back down on our bed. Tobias turns to me, I chuckle at his jungle hair and tired eyes. He places his hand on my bare leg.

"What time is it?" He mumbles, I  smirk.

"Time you got up." He groans and sits up regardless. His hand still rests on my leg so I place my hand onto of his hand that rests on my leg.

"What are you up to today?" Tobias asks curiosity creeping into his tone.

"Nothing." He smiles, I have the urge to laugh at him only because of his appearance.

"Well, maybe we could do some wedding planning." I nod eagerly.

"That'd be great." He leans in close and our foreheads touch. I never thought I'd ever be getting married to a Dauntless. I never thought anyone would want me. He pushes his lips to mine and we share a sweet kiss. He is the first to pull away and we both get off the bed. We both get changed together with each other. He buttons my jeans up and I pull his top over his head. He puts his jeans on and I button them for him. Finally, he slowly slides a long sleeved top over me. I smile and we both sit on the sofa.

"So, I was thinking, how about we get married near the net, since it's where we first met, I thought it be a good idea." He looks up from his fingers to my eyes, his own eyes hopeful.

"I love it." I uncontrollably smile.

"I was planning on going suit shopping tomorrow with Zeke and Uriah. I decided that Zeke could be our best man and I was wondering if you wanted to walk the isle with Caleb?" I smile again, my life is going to be wonderful.

"Yeaah! I'd love it."

"What about...Actually, it'll be a surprise." He grins at me, my curiosity takes over.

"About what?"

"Oh, nothing." He grins like a child that wins a game. I scowl and we kiss. "I'm going to go arrange stuff then, maybe you should go shopping with Christina." My eyes involuntary widen.

"This is going to be a long day..." I  mumble. I head out to Christina regardless.


"How this one Tris?" I scowl at the floor and then I look up to it.

"Are you kidding? It's a wedding not a slut reunion!" She rolls her eyes and flings the dress back on the peg. I tun my fingers over the fabric of many dresses, not particularly taking into account that I haven't tried any on yet. I stop. A gorgeous grey tinted dress hangs in front of me, it has black lines running down from the short strappy sleeves to the trail. I try it on. This is the one. I buy it and we begin the search for bridesmaids dresses. We get black bridesmaids dresses, one for Christina, one for Marlene and one for Shauna.

I back to the apartment exhausted. Tobias is talking to Caleb on the sofa, I'm instantly confused. I thought Caleb would still be mad for Tobias snapping at him. They both smile at me, I have left my dress at Christina's so Tobias doesn't see it.

"Hi." I say throwing my keys on the counter.

"Caleb is going to walk you down the isle." Tobias says delighted. I throw a confused look.

"Beatrice, I know I was wrong. I didn't mean to break you two up, I just. My curiosity got the best of me." I nod taking in everything I just heard. "I should probably get going now." Caleb says smiling. He hugs me and leaves. I sit down next to Tobias, he pulls me onto his lap. I kiss him and his hands connect to my legs. I stradle him and his hands travel up to my hips. I slide my hands to his neck and slide my fingertips under the collar of his shirt. I pull it off him and he does the same for me. Our kisses get heavier and heavier until we throw each other's pants off.

"Tris? Are you sure you want to?" Tobias asks gripping onto the fabric of my underwear. I nod and he lifts me up and takes us both into our room. He places me onto the matress, I tie my legs around his waist and his arns hold him up. His hands stand up arms and are placed on either side of my head. We kiss intently. He nervously pulls my underwear down and I release a shaky breath. "Tris? Are you sure that you-" I kiss him and pull his boxers off. He grunts as I feel him in me. I yelp a little and he stops moving, I hold his back.

"Keep going." And he continues as I moan.


I wake to familiar breeze but in places I never thought I would...I sit up as does Tobias. I blush at last night's episode...He does too. It's a strong emotion for Tobias. He gets up awkwardly and goes into the living room to gather our clothes. I'm thankful that he comes back with mine too. I retrieve my underwear and put everything back on, as he does too.

"Tris? Where are you?" Me and Tobias share a look, Christina. We didn't even lock the door last night...We get change quicker. I laugh at Tobias's bush of hair and he messes my hair up more than it already is. "There you are!"

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